Righteousness in daily work & life itself can be our highest worship



Karma as a term includes all Actions, activities, work as vocation or anywhere; and every Karma isn’t Karma Yoga, KY. Karma and Karma as Yoga may look the same “externally”, but they’re vastly different “internally”.

Not the action but it is our motive behind any ‘Work’ that governs whether it takes us towards hell or heaven; lower or higher; ‘bad’ or ‘good, better, best’! It is our Attitude, motive, intention or purpose behind any action/karma that can transform the same action into yoga!

In KY our Attitude is of giving our best selflessly with a detached attitude not for any self-centered purpose, but just as our obligatory duty, Kartavya. Thus, our Attitude behind the action determines its effect on our mind and the impression it leaves on our mind which then governs the future consequences because of the Attitude.

Work Vs Work as Kartavya-palan: Work when done strictly as our ‘obligatory duty’, kartavya, to the best and selflessly, for good of all, becomes Yoga and the highest worship and religious practice, irrespective of our work, status, religions, or beliefs. Righteous simple living is enough for the common man and the masses!

AI, Robotics, IQ, Degrees, Space exploration, sciences or God and Religions are complex issues, and they may engage the complex intellectual minds of the few adventurers, scholarly, researchers, pundits, preachers!

However, if simply by fulfilling our Respective Duties, Kartavya-palan, and selflessly working for good of all, we can remain on the God-wards path, do we really need the paraphernalia of Preachers, Scriptures, Rituals, Places of Worship etc.? Why allow Politics and Preachers to divide us and create ‘hatred’ for the other?

Thus, all Religious preachers could be brought together under the umbrella of academics to create an action plan to inspire commitment to Righteousness, Selflessness and Kartavya-palan in work and life; whatever may be our career, Vocation! There’s no use fighting over My-vs Your God or keeping Religions away from Academia!

In essence Yoga and Religion are simply self-development processes to learn to manage our Inner instrument, our Mind. Thru’ Selflessness, prayers, righteousness, etc. we learn to expand our petty, narrow, ‘mine-vs-your self-centered mindset’ to grow and expand to have love, care, concern for more and more till we may feel and realize our Oneness with all!

The very idea of marriage, family, community, society … humanity, is to gradually transform our ‘individual’, ‘me-mine’ mindset towards ‘we, us, our’ compassionate, empathetic, mindset. Thru selflessness and righteousness, we gradually practice and learn to expand our individuality thru’ ideas and traditions of marriage, family, joint-family, community, caste, tribe, nation, humanity, etc.  towards this ideal of Oneness! Religions describe this ultimate goal as heaven, Perfection, Freedom, One God, etc.!

Of course, modern society now ignorantly talks of ‘my individual freedom’, and so divides families, etc.! Togetherness and Oneness and not Individuality and Separateness are the plan of Creation!

How to control our mind? First step is to deliberately practice reducing the intensity of our likes/dislikes, dualities, with awareness, consciously. Let’s not become enslaved to strong likes/dislikes! Develop detachment to things, people, and focus on just fulfilling our duties.  As we sow, so we reap; actions create bondage by their results as quality of impressions, samskara, on our mind, and enslave us by becoming our habits. So, we must learn to work as duty, selflessly, unattached!

Quality of our mind governs us; our problem is we all are creatures of habits; we know, but we fall into temptations … our gross minds find gross sense enjoyments and won’t be interested in finer ideals of selflessness! Striving to fulfil our duties and to excel in whatever we do, is a great help; it calms the mind and helps overcome our past wrongful tendencies and habits!

Action is inevitable, but as educated leaders and mentors we must learn to act as a duty, giving up attachment and expectations. We must be able to selflessly do our duties not just to gain this or that, and without feelings of me/mine, with a calm, peaceful state of mind not in feverish frenzy! Let work be done for the love of God and all people; if the mind is directed God-wards, our mind itself imbibes its holiness, purity, goodness!

The Universe is in ‘Order’, ‘Rtm’, where nature and all beings live in a planned, orderly manner, following their respective nature and kartavya, duties. Only humans have freedom of choice and therefore suffer the consequences of their Selfish, petty, narrow-minded Actions thru’ pain and sufferings, till they realize and strive to be more and more in Rtm, selflessly working for long-term good of all creation, aka Karma Yoga, work as highest worship, to be in Rtm, in harmony, with the cosmos!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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