Reserved & wrong: CJI rightly calls out HC judges who waste judicial time by delaying judgments. Will it have an impact?



It’s not the first time a CJI has attempted to fix a major reason that contributes to case pendency. The practice of reserving judgments for months beyond stipulated periods, where judges put off announcing their decisions, long after hearings are over. This delay is entirely on the judge.

Passing the buck | Yet, Chandrachud’s initiative, of seeking details from all HCs of cases awaiting verdicts for over 3 months, had an unforeseen fallout. CJI said several judges had hurriedly released cases for ‘fresh hearings’. This meant the entire process must start from scratch – a massive setback, and not just financially –for those who move court. Judges are burdening litigants, to simply avoid their inefficiency getting marked. CJI called it a “waste of judicial time, damaging for principles of judicial efficacy and speedy justice”. As if the egregious practice of inordinate delays wasn’t bad enough, judges, trying to dodge CJI’s initiative, were being deceitful at the workplace. Not for nothing are questions raised on judicial probity.

Timeframes encoded | CrPC says judgments must be given either “immediately after termination of trial” or “at some subsequent time” for criminal cases. SC, in 2001, interpreted CrPC’s “at some subsequent time” as a maximum of six weeks and no more, no matter the case.

Detailed guidelines were issued, including maintaining a register of dates of when a judgment was reserved, and when a verdict was finally pronounced. SC sought HC chief justices should review monthly lists of such cases, and nudge benches involved. Rules also exist to send cases to a fresh bench in the event of inordinate delay – a rule judges exploit. India’s new criminal code BNSS that replaces CrPC later this year, provides a timeline for judges to pronounce verdicts – “…shall give its verdict within a period of thirty days (extendable up to 45 days)…”

Are HCs listening? | Arriving at a judgment is an intense exercise. Far too many are so shoddily written that they are but a garble of words. CJI repeatedly urges judges to write simply. Too often even the reasoning for decisions is missing from verdicts. At the very least litigants should understand weightage a judge gave arguments, how and why he/she arrived at decisions. But when verdicts are so delayed, as Chandrachud said, “quality of judgments is sacrificed… oralarguments no longer remain fresh in the judicial mind.” Yes, CJIs earlier too have called out delays, but rarely has one pointed out how judges were bending the rules. Will it have any impact?


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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