Relatively speaking: Titu wants a job in the Gulf. Until he gets it



It is inevitable if you are living in the Gulf that someone from the larger family back home will be looking for a job. Goes with the territory. No one escapes this imposition. If it is your side of the family you can fob it off for a while by blaming HR, slump in the job market, and better to wait till things are better. You can also cheerfully let yourself down by saying, no can do, don’t have the clout.

If it is your wife’s family, the request turns into an imperative. Young Titu, you are told, is agreeable to giving it a shot (that is so generous of him) and you have been chosen arbitrarily to load the catapult. That young Titu has no great redeeming features studding his CV means you must pull favours, call your contacts, and deal with impatient wife who is getting flak about how Mani uncle in Bengaluru got his nephew a good job in three days, and now it has been a week and nothing to show for it.

Finally, a friend weakens under your incessant onslaught and says okay, bring him on a visit and see what I can do. So along comes Titu eagerly ready to do anything and the favour is consecrated, friend will be owed big time.

Titu has now been using the guest room for two weeks and is showing no signs of buzzing off and seeking his fortune or whatever, time to go, mate. But on the plus side there is peace in the valley, wife loves you for having kept her izzat etc. Then a month or so later there is this email from Titu’s dad to wife’s cousin forwarded to wife saying Teets is unhappy, the food in the canteen is lousy and he has been diddled in the salary department, Mani uncle’s nephew even got house rent, and here it is bed space. Peace in the valley collapses and wife is distraught.
So you say, remember when he wanted to do anything, what has happiness got to do with it, he wanted a job, I got him a job, I am not yelling, yes I am yelling, I begged a favour, a huge, big lump of a favour.

He wants to go home, says the wife, tell your friend to cancel his residence. So now I must call the friend to whom I already owe big time for another favour by dunking his company and telling him Titu wants out. Let him call Uncle Mani and make him chairman or CEO, he can cancel on his own, I am not calling anyone.
You could have got him a better deal, now if it was your side of the family…



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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