
Sukanya Basu Mallik

Sukanya Basu Mallik’s works have been featured on Reader’s Digest, Times of India, Sahitya Akademi, Writer’s life – UK, AIPF Int. Anthology ( Diverse city youth contest- Aus

It’s fine to feel that your talent has slipped away,
It’s okay to entertain thoughts of despair when the world seems oblivious,
It’s alright to sense that you’ve transformed into something unrecognizable,
It’s okay to glance around and imagine a sea of eyes scrutinizing you,
Whispering without reason, shadows of judgment lingering.

It’s okay,
For in the end, everything will find its equilibrium,
You’ll rediscover yourself in due time,
For evolution demands shedding the old to embrace the new.

It’s okay to sense a distraction and lose your way,
It’s okay to let tears stain your conversations with parents,
It’s okay if they fail to fathom your reasons,
It’s okay if your partner struggles to comprehend too.

No one else will fully grasp your journey,
For none traverse the same path,
Yet, only you define your essence.

Maintain faith,
Tomorrow will unveil itself, a canvas reborn,
A chance to rewrite your narrative, afresh and anew.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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