Reading between the pixels: Digital language and generation chasm



I was particularly amused by a friend request received on social media a couple of weeks ago. A young man who appeared to be in his twenties, as per his profile picture, not only extended me the friend request but also fired a message not entreating but demanding that I accept his friend request. 

Suspecting that the bold friend request might be from one of my former students whose face had eluded my memory, I decided to probe a bit before deciding whether to accept the connection. However, before I could even type my initial question, another message from the young man flashed on my mobile screen. The content of the message removed any doubt that he fell into the category of ‘forgotten students.’ His message was explicit: “I have checked your profile on social media and it is pretty impressive.” With this revelation, it became evident that this encounter was anything but a nostalgic reunion. To cut the chase, I requested him to provide a brief introduction to shed light on the mystery of his enthusiastic yet unexpected digital approach.

In response to my request for a brief introduction, the young man nonchalantly replied, “I am a student. What do you do?” This retort left me momentarily baffled, as a quick glance at my meticulously curated social media profile would have readily revealed my designation and professional credentials. The divergence between us was unmistakable, not just in terms of communication wavelengths but also in the generational realms we occupied. Our understanding of the word ‘profile’ seemed to be shaded by distinct connotations, reflective of our belonging to different age bands. 

While my initial inclination was to gracefully decline or simply ignore the friend request, the swift appearance of the next message altered my course of action. The message, composed of a couple of sentences, was riddled with glaring grammatical errors. The linguistic missteps served as a proverbial curveball, injecting an unexpected element into the unfolding scenario. Yet, keeping my cool, I told him to focus on his studies and improve his grammar rather than checking out people’s profiles.

My gentle reproof, evidently, didn’t resonate with the young man, as he promptly countered that my attention should have been directed towards the emotional essence of the message rather than its linguistic construction. This was followed by a smirk emoji. However, what came as a yorker was the parting message that began with my name, lacking any preceded honorifics.  The message asserted that I carried an attitude. This time the disparity highlighting the evolving nuances of digital language and etiquette, was unmistakable. What seemed apparent or straightforward in one age group could carry entirely different implications in another was quite frustrating and exasperating.

I had no idea how to respond to the last accusation and for the first time in my life I fumbled for a reaction to this brazen request. The unlikely conversation that I had with this young man prodded me to contemplate the nuances of online interactions and the art of reading between the pixels. The irony of the situation hit me– the digital age, with its plethora of information at one’s fingertips, seemed to be playing a curious game of hide-and-seek, where the obvious was skillfully obscured and every reality was a matter of perception rather than logical conclusion. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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