RBI Monetary Policy – FY25 moves beyond near-term solutions



In its monetary policy on April 5, 2024, RBI kept the repo rate intact at 6.5 percent as expected and remained focused on the ‘withdrawal of accommodation’ extending stability. Since February 2023, the repo rate has been retained at 6.5 percent allowing sufficient time for front-loaded rate hikes to work. The monetary policy tools have been well-calibrated from time to time to tame inflation while harnessing the potentiality of growth. Thus, RBI strengthens regulations and takes the financial sector reforms forward to meet near-term objectives while laying a firm foundation for achieving long-term objectives of financial stability.

In the post-pandemic phase, the transparent and supportive policy, convincing logic, and clarity about its forward view could guide the market participants to ensure orderly conduct mitigating market risks. Right timing in the use of key monetary policy tools – repo rate, standing deposit facility (SDF), liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) windows, regulating liquidity flows with an interplay between the VRRR (absorption of excess liquidity), and VRR (providing liquidity when in deficit) in line with the stance of the policy could balance inflation and growth dynamics.

Despite the ongoing geopolitical hostilities, spillover risks from the external sector, and vulnerability of food inflation, the CPI inflation could be capped within its glide path while striving to reach the cherished midpoint of 4 percent on a durable basis. As a result of meticulous planning and monitoring, the domestic economy has been consistently growing well while many economies were struggling to revive the economy after the pandemic.

1. Headwinds of the economy:

Buoyed by the speedy revival, GDP expanded by 9.7 percent and 7.0 percent in 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively. GDP growth for the first three quarters of 2023-24 was estimated at 8.2 percent, 8.1 percent, and 8.4 percent, respectively. PMI manufacturing strengthened to 59.1 in March 2024 from 56.9 in February while the service sector PMI accelerated to 61.2 in March from 60.6 in February 2024. Capacity utilization (CU) in the manufacturing sector rose to 74.7 percent in Q3 2023-24 from 74.0 percent recorded in the previous quarter. Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) increased at a double-digit pace of 10.2 percent in 2023-24, with an expansion of 11.6 percent in Q1; 10.6 percent in Q2; and 10.2 percent in Q3. Rural demand, which was lagging urban demand earlier, picked up since Q2 2023-24. Renewed consumption is expected to support economic growth in 2024-25. Going forward, the outlook for agriculture and rural activity appears bright, with good rabi wheat crops and improved prospects of kharif crops, due to the expected normal south-west monsoon. Considering these positive headwinds, real GDP growth for 2024-25 is projected at 7.0 percent.

As far as inflation is concerned, it has been possible to bring it down to 5.1 percent in February down from as high as 7.8 percent in April 2022. Reduction of LPG cylinders by Rs.100 and Rs. 2 in the prices of petrol and diesel price might have worked its way. Assuming a normal monsoon, CPI inflation for 2024-25 is projected at 4.5 percent with Q1 at 4.9 percent; Q2 at 3.8 percent; Q3 at 4.6 per cent; and Q4 at 4.5 per cent. Food inflation after moderating to 7.6 per cent in January 2024 from 8.7 per cent in December 2023, edged up to 7.8 per cent in February 2024. More noteworthy is the softening of core inflation to 3.4 percent in February 2024 same as in October 2019 indicating that the inflation is well on its way to softening further going forward.

2. Liquidity conditions:

RBI has been closely monitoring the liquidity conditions and the deficit has now been neutralized with a series of close interventions so that liquidity neither triggers liquidity risks for financial entities nor fuels inflation. The system liquidity deficit is getting phased out. The need for infusion of liquidity is now much lower at Rs. 1 trillion during February – March as against Rs. 1.61 trillion in December -January. To regulate liquidity flows, RBI absorbed Rs. 4.44 trillion during February – March and injected Rs.3.5 trillion through the VRRR and VRR. As a result, recourse to MSF came down from Rs. 0.74 lakh crore in December-January to Rs.0.24 lakh crore in February-March, consequently, the weighted average call rate (WACR) averaged 6.61 percent as against 6.76 percent in December-January. These proactive measures helped sufficient liquidity to market participants to douse any inkling of liquidity risks.

3. Deepening financial sector reforms:

Even in the milieu of balancing growth and inflation dynamics with an eye on external sector risks, RBI continues its focus on strengthening financial sector reforms to further entrench financial stability. Among others, considering the vulnerability of the liquidity position of banks due to easy access to liabilities through electronic mode, it is proposed to review the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). Part of the contributing factor for the quick failure of Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023 was the instant transfer of funds by customers exacerbating liquidity risks, ultimately leading to its collapse.

Deepening the digital payment system is a work in progress and methods to accept cash at the cash deposit machine (CDMs) through the use of the UPI app are being worked out. Central Bank Digital currency is proposed to be made available through the network of non-bank payment system operators. Floating a mobile app to further popularise the Retail G-Sec market for retail investors and allowing trading of sovereign green bonds through the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) – in Gift City are two more important initiatives that can deepen financial markets.

4. Way forward:

It is clear from the Central banks of major economies and RBI that the interest rates have peaked and are now fighting the last mile disinflationary process. The next action will be to cut rates in 2024 but when will be decided depending upon the inflation trajectory. RBI had already projected the average inflation of FY25 at 4.5 percent and Q2 at 3.8 percent.

The upside risks due to geopolitical risks and food inflation continue to be daunting. In the given state of uncertainty, the synchronized views of central banks are clear but much will depend on how the inflation plays out in the coming months. The data on inflation points out that in India, the interest rates may begin to descend sometime in October when September inflation data could be available. The monetary policy provides a clear picture of what is in anvil and to what it is linked. Markets can always make out the forward path. RBI has been able to blend near-term solutions and put long-term reforms on the fast track by anchoring the moving parts well.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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