Ramdev’s History With Controversy, What’s Next If SC Holds Him Guilty Of Contempt Of Court



In another round of fiery hearing, the Supreme Court lambasted Yog Guru Baba Ramdev, his brainchild FMCG major Patanjali Ayurveda and manufacturing firm Divya Pharmacy in the misleading advertisement case, where they have been pulled up by the court for making false claims about Coronil and promoting their other untested medicines as cure for incurable diseases and violating the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act. The contempt case against Ramdev stems from his press conference he conducted after giving an undertaking in the top court that he will not make disparaging statements against Modern medicines.

History Of Ramdev’s Controversial Statement & Claims

1) “What Modern Medical Science Could Not Do Patanjali Did!”

“We cure obesity within 8 days,” Ramdev said in his press conference. He had said that if he was proven wrong the court can grant him death penalty and impose penalty and Rs 1000s of crores. He said that Patanjali Ayurveda is being targeted by the big “Pharma Mafia” with propaganda. He further asserted that except for emergency treatment and surgery, Patanjali Ayurveda can cure 99% of major diseases. He claims Patanjali cured Type 1 diabetes and insulin problems. He said he deserved the Nobel Prize for making people leave insulin. In the controversial press conference, he said he cured Blood Pressure, Liver problems, regenerated liver, Cancer, Thyroid and cured heart diseases and other diseases that modern medicines are incapable of curing. He claimed that Patanjali taught people that the liver can be rejuvenated.

2) “The entire WHO and modern medical system is lying!”

Ramdev claimed that just because Allopathy has big money, that does not mean he will not be heard and he is ready to fight the “Drug Mafia.” He said he will request the Supreme Court to let him be present in the court in person, and he can also carry out a parade of patients in court who have been cured by Patanjali. Ramdev said he will challenge the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and file a PIL against it. He claimed that MBBS doctors come to Patanjali to seek cure and make crores of donations.

3) Patanjali’s Medicines Like Divya Putrajeevak Beej, Divya Lipidom, LiveAmrit

The court pulled up Ramdev and Patanjali for promoting his medicines as “complete cure.” The court noted that it was not only Coronil, but also a range of medicines that Divya pharmacy manufactured and Patanjali promoted as cures for incurable diseases listed in the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act.

In 2015, Patanjali also sparked controversy when it came out with “Divya Putrajeevak Beej.” Putra means son in Hindi. After the product was slammed for promoting sex-selective approach, Patanjali clarified that the medicine is to cure sterility, infertility and recurrent abortions. They were slammed again for misleading people with this name into believing that if they take this medicine, a boy will be born. 

ALSO READ | ‘Just A Piece Of Paper’: Big Jolt To Ramdev, Patanjali As SC Refuses To Accept Apology 

The Ministry of AYUSH told the Supreme Court that it had advised states to take action against Patanjali Ayurveda for unlawfully promoting products with the promise of curing diseases listed in Drugs and Magic Remedies Act. The ministry had flagged Lipidom, Livotrit, and Livamrit.

The top court slammed the Uttarakhand State Licensing Authority for leaving Patanjali and Divya Pharmacy with just warnings. It also expresses displeasure and Ministry’s handling of the issue and told Centre that it has at least “20 flags” over its response explaining action taken against Patanjali.

4) “Will Not Speak On Corona As Elections Are Coming”

Ramdev, in the same controversial press conference over which the court issued contempt notice, said that he had a lot to say about modern medicines, Corona vaccines, steroids in Covid-19. However, he would restrain from saying anything as elections were near.

ALSO READ | Why SC Sent Contempt Notice To Ramdev’s Patanjali — All You Need To Know About IMA’s Case

Interestingly, Ramdev launched Coronil as cure for Covid-19 in presence of tall political figures including the then Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari. 

The IMA had moved the court against his claims on efficacy of modern medicine and efficiency of Coronil after a half-page advertisement issued in July 2022 by Patanjali that read, “Misconceptions spread by Allopathy: Save yourself and the country from the misconceptions spread by pharma and medical industry.”

5) “Yoga Can Cure Aids, Not Condoms”

No stranger to controversy, in 2006, Ramdev made a statement asserting that Yoga could cure AIDS and that AIDS could not be prevented through the use of condoms.

At that time, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had to issue a press statement in saying that such claims could not only mislead the public but also can undo the efforts made by social activists, and organisations to spread awareness.

6) Homosexuality is the result of a sick mind and pranayam and yoga can cure a sick mind.”

Ramdev again sparked controversy, when he claimed that homosexuality is a result of a sick mind and a sick mind can be cured by Pranayam and Yoga.

What Happens If SC Finds Ramdev, Patanjali Ayurveda Guilty Of Contempt of Court

The contempt of court proceedings are initiated over an act of disrespect or disobedience toward a court or interference with its orderly process. Practices like disrupting court proceedings, interfering with attempts to obtain evidence, destroying evidence, disobeying a court order, and intimidating witnesses and making disrespectful statements against the court inside or outside court premises come under contempt of court.

The top court has already rejected Ramdev’s two apologies as mere “lip service” and “just a piece of paper.” The court also found Ramdev had forged air tickets in his apology affidavits. The apology affidavit affirmed by Ramdev on March 30 had flight tickets dated March 31 annexed to it. The court found that Ramdev did that to skip attending court proceedings. The court took strong objection over the attempted forgery. When, Ramdev had sworn on the appology affidavit the tickets were not in existence. On this, the Supreme Court took strong objections and said he is liable to be charged with forgery.

The top court has already given Ramdev two chances to apologise. At first, he did not reply to show cause notice in the contempt case, then in the second hearing he filed the affidavit on paper just a night before the hearing, it did not even reach the court on the said time. And when it reached the court found forgery in it. The court also refused to accept Patanjali MD’s apology letter and slammed him for calling the Drugs And Magic Remedies Act, “archiac.”

ALSO READ | Ramdev Says Sorry, Modi Govt Criticises Patanajali Over Misleading Ads, Publicising Coronil As Cure For Covid 

On SG Tushar Mehta’s request, the court granted him another opportunity. He again filed the affidavit tendering “unconditional apology”. This time again the court found the issue with a mismatch of dates and the use of the word “alleged” contempt of court. Furious at the submissions made by Ramdev and Patanjali MD Balakrishna, the top court blasted them and declined the apology for the second time. The court has kept April 16 as the next date for passing orders on whether contempt proceedings will be initiated against Ramdev or not.

If the court finds him guilty, it can impose costs as well as jail term. The duration and extent of jail term varies from case to case. 

Previously, the courts have initiated contempt proceedings on famous personalities like Arundhati Roy, Prashant Bhushan, Rajpal Yadav for contempt of court.

Roy was made to serve a day in prison over her comments in the Narmada Dam verdict. In 2002, Roy was arrested and charged with contempt of court by the Supreme Court, after she wrote an article criticising one of the court’s verdict and protested outside the Court. Roy was imprisoned for one day and fined Rs 2,000 after she refused to apologise.

In 2020, Advocate Prashant Bhushan famous for his PILs and also the lead lawyer in Electoral Bonds case, was convicted of contempt of court after he posted press photograph of the then Chief Justice of India, Sharad Bobde, seated on a motorcycle without a face mask during the Covid-19 Pandemic and criticised the judiciary for “selectively hearing” cases during the lockdown.

Bhushan also declined an offer from the Supreme Court to apologise for these comments and has challenged the constitutionality of the Contempt of Courts Act.


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