Rajya Sabha Election FAQs: How The Members Are Elected To What Are Eligibility Criteria



Rajya Sabha Elections: The Rajya Sabha, which is the Upper House of India’s Parliament, plays a crucial role in the legislative process of the country. There can be a maximum of 250 members, with 238 members elected to represent the states and union territories, and the remaining 12 nominated by the President of India from among persons from different non-political fields such as literature, science, art, and social service. The Rajya Sabha is never dissolved, and hence it’s a permanent body. Elections are held every two years to fill 33 percent of the seats that fall vacant with the expiry of the members’ six-year term. Unlike the Lok Sabha (the Lower House), which is directly elected by the people of India, the members of the Rajya Sabha are elected through a somewhat indirect process.

Here are all your questions answered on Rajya Sabha elections.

Rajya Sabha Elections FAQs

Q1. What is the current strength of Rajya Sabha? 

A : 245 — 233 elected and 12 nominated.

Q2. Why is the Rajya Sabha a permanent body? 

A: The Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved. One-third of its members retire every two years, barring some exceptions.

Q3: Who can be a Rajya Sabha member? What is the age criterion?

A: Any Indian citizen above 30 years of age, and who possess other qualifications as may be prescribed by Parliament, can become a Rajya Sabha member.

Q4: How long is the term of a Rajya Sabha member? 

A: 6 years. However, a member elected in a byelection can serve only for the remainder of the term of the vacant seat.

Q5. What is the current break-up of the seats each state and UT have in Rajya Sabha?

  • Uttar Pradesh: 31
  • Maharashtra: 19
  • Tamil Nadu: 18
  • West Bengal: 16
  • Bihar: 15
  • Karnataka: 12
  • Andhra Pradesh: 11
  • Gujarat: 11
  • Madhya Pradesh: 11
  • Odisha: 10
  • Rajasthan: 10
  • Kerala: 9
  • Assam: 7
  • Punjab: 7
  • Telangana: 7
  • Jharkhand: 6
  • Chhattisgarh: 5
  • Haryana: 5
  • Jammu and Kashmir: 4
  • Delhi: 3
  • Himachal Pradesh: 3
  • Uttarakhand: 3
  • Arunachal Pradesh: 1
  • Goa: 1
  • Manipur: 1
  • Meghalaya: 1
  • Mizoram: 1
  • Nagaland: 1
  • Puducherry: 1
  • Sikkim: 1
  • Tripura: 1

Q6: How many UTs are currently represented in the Rajya Sabha? 

A: 8. Three from Delhi, one from Puducherry, and four from Jammu & Kashmir. Only UTs with legislative assemblies can send a representative to the RS.

Q7: Does a candidate need be a domicile of the state or the UT from where they are seeking to be elected to the Rajya Sabha? 

A: This condition is no longer essential. The candidate must be a voter in any parliamentary constituency across India.

Q8: Which party has the maximum number of representatives in RS? 

A: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Q9: How are Rajya Sabha members elected? 

A: The RS members are elected by the elected representatives of the state and UT legislative assemblies, following the system of proportional representation with a single transferable vote.

Q10: What is the procedure to send nominated members to the Rajya Sabha? 

A: The President of India nominates 12 members from among persons possessing special knowledge or practical experience in the fields of literature, science, art and social service.

Q11: Who is the Chairman of Rajya Sabha? 

A: The Vice-President is the ex officio chairman. The Vice-President is elected by an electoral college comprising members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

Q12: Are the nominated members entitled to vote in the election of President and Vice-President? 

A: The nominated members can vote in the election of Vice-President, but not the President.

Q13: Does Rajya Sabha need a quorum to constitute a meeting? 

A: Yes. The quorum is 25 members — one-tenth of the total members.

Q14: What is the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha? 

A: 250 — 238 elected and 12 nominated.

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