Rajasthan CM Gehlot Shares Sachin Pilot’s Vote Appeal Video After PM Modi’s Rajesh Pilot Remark



Rajasthan Elections: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday shared a video on social media platforms of his former deputy Sachin Pilot making an appeal to people to vote for the Congress, an apparent show of unity as the state prepares to go to polls on Saturday. Notably, the tussle between the Pilor and Gehlot had proven to be serious trouble for the Congress party which is seeking to return to power. The outright rebellion against Gehlot had cast doubts over the stability of the Rajasthan government.

The 1.51 minute video was shared by Gehlot on his social media platforms X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram. Pilot could be seen making an appeal to people to vote for the Congress, saying the feedback, public response and inclination of the voters clearly shows that his party will come back in the state.

“We have held hundreds of meetings as part of the election campaign but there are some areas where we have not been able to reach even after trying, hence my humble appeal to you is to take everyone along, to maintain the pace of development of the state. To maintain the Congress’ way of functioning, it is necessary that we forget all the things and press the button on the hand symbol and make all the Congress candidates win,” he said.

“I want to appeal to make Congress candidates win in all the assembly constituencies where I have not been able to go,” Pilot further said. He added that the victory will be the victory of the people of Congress.

“We will not let BJP’s plan to stop the Congress government’s schemes after forming the government succeed,” he added. The fight between the two leaders was later resolved by the party high command. 


PM Modi’s Attack On Congress, Pilot And Gehlot

On Thursday, PM Modi targeted the Congress for its treatment of Sachin Pilot. According to PTI, the Prime Minister said a Gurjar’s son who gave his life to the Congress was removed like a fly in milk after the party came to power in Rajasthan.

He also accused the party of punishing Sachin Pilot by meting out the same treatment to him as was done to his father, saying anyone who speaks the truth in the grand old party is shunted out of politics. The PM went on to say that Rajesh Pilot lost favour with the Congress leadership after he contested against Sitaram Kesri for the party president’s post in 1997.

Reacting to it, Pilot said that there was no need for anyone other than his party and the people to worry about him.

Meanwhile, CM Gehlot has said there is a Congress undercurrent in the state, claiming that BP supporters are with Congress now.

“There is an undercurrent for Congress Rajasthan. I can feel that in the whole state, there is a wave of Congress. Villages that were previously supporting the BJP are now supporting Congress due to our schemes and policies…Many candidates will win in this (undercurrent), for whom there were feelings that they were not winning. If there is an undercurrent, we will form the government” the Chief Minister said.

Polling in 199 out of 200 assembly constituencies in Rajasthan will be take place on Saturday and counting will be held on December 3.

ALSO READ | Rajasthan: State With Trend Of Alternating Govts Crucial In BJP Vs Congress Semi-Finals 


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