Question for Netanyahu: Who takes charge of Gaza?



A ground offensive against Hamas without a plan for Israeli military to exit the Strip will be disastrous for Israel and Palestinians. There are simply no takers for reoccupation.

Israel reoccupying Gaza? A diabolical idea. Nothing less. In Israel, currently struggling for its very existence in the Middle East, only a few, very extreme, entertain this horrifying possibility. Strike Hamas? Yes. Dismantle the infrastructure of the terror organisation? Absolutely. Target the head of the snake? Definitely. But should Israel seek to enter Gaza, to occupy it again and resettle it with Jews? Absolutely not. Far from it. The very thought of such a plan is chilling. Israel didn’t leave Gaza to return to it.

US President Joe Biden, who expressed unequivocal support for Israel’s right to defend itself and emphasised the need to eliminate Hamas, made it clear a reoccupation of Gaza would be a mistake. He is right. Except for a very tiny percentage of Israeli society, sadly represented in the Israeli government by irresponsible politicians groomed by Bibi Netanyahu for narrow political ends, a majority of the Israeli public rejects this ominous thought. No one wants to return to the quagmire of Gaza, which since the unilateral withdrawal in 2005, has become a ruthless terror hub. Sane Israelis don’t long for that terrible place. Only irresponsible politicians or the messianic even discuss such an option. They are not the majority.

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