President of Philippines visits Vietnam: Maritime cooperation constitutes a cornerstone of their strategic partnership



A significant development has taken place that can have far-reaching positive developments in the South China Sea (SCS). President Marcos Jr visited Vietnam on a state visit (29-30 January 2024). Before his visit, Marcos Jr. in a short speech stressed that maritime cooperation between the two countries constitutes one of the “cornerstones” of their strategic partnership. Marcos also underlined during his meeting with Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong that Vietnam was the sole strategic partner of the Philippines in Southeast Asia, which was signed in 2015. Marcos also stated that the relations between the two countries have expanded in recent years.

The two sides discussed several subjects for enhancing cooperation between two countries.  The visit witnessed the exchange of several agreements to continue high-level contacts, information sharing, education and training, defence dialogue mechanisms, enhance collaboration on the defence industry, search and rescue operations, maritime and aviation security, counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, peacekeeping operations, intensify law enforcement cooperation against transnational crimes, strengthen cooperation in the economic field, people-to-people contact, tourism and culture, etc. 

The two memoranda of understanding on security covered “incident prevention in the South China Sea” and “maritime cooperation” among coastguards. The two sides agreed to strengthen existing maritime cooperation mechanisms, notably the Joint Commission on Maritime and Ocean Affairs at the Deputy-Minister level, the hotline communication mechanism between coast-guard authorities of both countries, and to adopt other measures to ensure the safety and security of fishermen from both countries as well as to solve amicably the unexpected incidents at sea. These agreements aimed at boosting cooperation among their coastguards and preventing untoward incidents in the SCS. The maritime deal aims to establish a comprehensive partnership between the two nations’ coast guards on capacity building, training, and personnel and ship exchanges, all to improve their ability to operate together.

The two sides underlined the need for maintaining peace, stability, maritime security, safety, and freedom of navigation in and overflight above the SCS. They called for the exercise of self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect regional peace and stability, and avoidance of unilateral acts that can change the status quo and increase tensions, as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes without resorting to the threat or use of force in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 UNCLOS. The joint statement also stressed the need for full implementation of the DOC and early conclusion of CoC that is under international law, particularly the 1982 UNCLOS. 

Vietnam agreed to supply the Philippines with 1.5 million to 2 million metric tons (1.6 to 2.2 million US tons) of rice each year at affordable prices. The Philippines imports about 85% of its rice from Vietnam. This agreement will ensure stable supplies of Vietnamese rice. Last year, the Philippines felt a shortage of rice mainly because of a global shortage of rice. 

Besides, there was also an agreement on the cooperation in the Electric Vehicle production. Marcos met with Pham Nhat Vuong, Vietnam, chairman of the sprawling conglomerate Vingroup, which runs the electric vehicle company Vinfast. This company agreed to open an EV business network in the Philippines and that the investment would start later this year. 

The impact of climate change also received attention.  Marcos during his meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart asked for Vietnam’s support for the Philippines’ bid to host the Loss and Damage Fund, which seeks to provide financial assistance to countries that are most vulnerable and impacted by climate change. 

The above indicates that the agenda for discussions was comprehensive. The joint statement mentioned that the two sides “agreed to enhance political trust, friendship, and comprehensive cooperation through holding regular high-level engagements and visits at all levels through Party, State, Government, and parliamentary channels as well as people-to-people exchanges. They committed to uphold established bilateral cooperation mechanisms and implement effectively the instruments signed between the two countries to enhance mutual understanding and trust.” 

Marcos’s visit was significant for enhancing cooperation between the two countries. Placing the visit in the overall context of their bilateral relationship, Vietnamese PM Chinh stated: “The world and regional situation is evolving in a rapid and complicated manner and therefore we need to unite and cooperate more closely.” 

The enhanced cooperation between the two nations that also have overlapping claims in the SCS is a positive development, particularly when the Chinese aggressive activities are spiralling up. Recently, the Philippines and the Chinese coastguards have been involved in several run-ins. The agreements have paved the way for mutually resolving the boundary issue between Vietnam and the Philippines. Vietnam has already settled its maritime boundary issue with Indonesia. Hence, this is also a message to China that other nations in the region are resolving their maritime boundary issues without involving China and that they desire effective implementation of the UNCLOS. This also indicates the rejection of the Chinese illegal claim under its ten-dash line in the SCS. Second, this visit also indicates that the nations in the region are uniting against the Chinese belligerence and continuing tactics of delaying the finalisation of the CoC. Third, the agreements will strengthen bilateral relations resulting in increased economic development for both countries.  

The three nations- Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia- have reflected maturity in making efforts to resolve their problems without involving any other party. This also reflects the success of Vietnam’s Bambo Diplomacy, which is paying rich dividends. Vietnam is strengthening relations with countries having different ideologies. Indonesia follows an independent approach (free and active) in foreign affairs, while the Philippines is an ally of the US.  Crucially, both Biden and Xi visited Vietnam recently to improve relations. These developments have the potential to improve the tense environment existing in the SCS. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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