Power of cold shower to get comfortable being uncomfortable



In society today, based on how lifestyle is evolving and shaping up, access to things becoming easier than ever, access to please our taste temptations and desires becoming easier, it is increasingly becoming common that most of us are ending up having some kind of health issue. Work from home becoming more normalized post the pandemic is also not helping the entire situation. With less exercise, more comfort being at our homes, access to please our taste buds easier than ever, it is almost as if we have forgotten how to take up challenges or be okay in difficult/uncomfortable times. The first instant reaction is almost always to avoid a challenging situation that may disrupt the comfort we have on a routine basis. Aspirations and goals are becoming bigger, a lot of it comes through the make belief world that is being created through social media by seeing other people’s lives and work. But again, when it comes to putting effort and actually getting down on the ground, most of the people fail/do not even try because of fearing failure/taking up something uncomfortable. Talking therefore is easier, but action on the ground is quite tough.

It therefore becomes quite important as we get a bit aware about how lifestyles are evolving as mentioned above that we do not become a part of it. If we do then we may end up not living to our full potential, underperform in tough situations, be lazy, not have enough willpower to face the ups and down that life throws at us on a daily basis. 

Past few years, personally following and reading great minds like Wim Hof, Novak Djokovic, Paul Chek etc. I took some learnings out of the disciplined lives they are leading. It is almost certain if someone has a mastery in a certain field, they do not opt for easy options. On a daily basis discipline is opted for, challenges are taken up, and a will to improve as a person drives the person. These people do a lot of challenging things daily, one of them being taking cold showers. It is unfortunate how we are so less informed about the benefits of cold showers. 

The way the world has become, as temptations are easier to access than ever, onset of health condition happens rapidly, which ends up making us dependent on prescription pills and then the cycle goes on until the body gives up. Cold shower is a natural treatment and a solution to a lot of things. Something as simple as a cold shower can do the following – it is not easy, it develops will power which slowly translates into daily life, it is good for cardiovascular health, it activates the entire system as the body responds to the cold, the systems within our body that usually are not functional gets activated as the body responds to stress, as a result of this body functions the way it is intended to, and strengthens our immunity. Controlled breathing during cold shower becomes a form of meditation and helps us to understand how we can mindfully have control on our bodies during stressful times. The benefits go on. At the end of the day, years and years ago we did not have this technology, nor did we have this comfort, but we did utilize the natural resources that were around us to lead a sustainable life. Therefore, we have it all in nature in its pure form that we need to live a healthy life.

With how comfortable things have become, routines have become, it is us who need to think out of the box, take a step forward and think of things that we can incorporate within our lives to not only become healthier, live to the fullest, but to also improve as a person, which may also give us a chance to help others/people in need around us. If we take care of us, then only we can do our duties properly, and can think of making things better around us!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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