Poonch shows why officers must be gentlemen



In a hybrid war, the terrorist will provoke the soldier. Resisting this bait and maintaining professionalism are keys to winning local trust

Poonch town lies in a valley surrounded by hills abutting the Line of Control with Pakistan. Here, a single army battalion 1 Kumaon put up heroic resistance to Pakistani attacks for a full year after Independence. Finally the siege was broken in November 1948. In no small measure was the contribution of IAF, which flew in supplies, under fire, to a rudimentary and extremely short dirt strip – made by fearless locals who remained shoulder to shoulder with the army.

From such a historic place of grit and determination comes the sad news of the loss of four jawans in a terrorist ambush. The news that followed, however, casts a shadow on the professional ethos of our armed forces on two counts.

First, the recurring cases of army fatalities to encounters in the recent past. Second, and equally worryingly, civilian deaths in alleged army custody, during operations to catch perpetrators after encounters.

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