Poetic rendition of Laduree, New Delhi in Ballad style



The relationship between food and poetry is like a culinary symphony of words, where poets use their linguistic ingredients to craft verses that evoke the flavors, aromas, and emotions associated with food, turning ordinary meals into extraordinary sensory experiences on paper, delighting the reader’s imagination with the essence of taste and the beauty of language. Let’s look at how a haiku poem represents Laduree, New Delhi food.


In Italy’s heart, where cheese reigns supreme,
Burrata, a marvel, a creamy dream.
A pouch of mozzarella, filled with delight,
Creamy and soft, a taste so right.
On a plate it sits, like a work of art,
Burrata’s allure, a cheese lover’s heart.

Cilantro Caesar Salad

In the kitchen’s realm, where greens take the stage,
Cilantro Caesar salad, a culinary wage.
Crisp romaine leaves, with cilantro’s grace,
Garlic croutons, a crispy embrace.
Dressed in Caesar’s robes, a salad so grand,
Cilantro’s twist, a flavor so planned.

Trident’s Signature Hara Kebab

In Trident’s kitchen, where spices unite,
Signature hara kebab, a flavorful flight.
Green herbs and spices, a fragrant delight,
Tender and grilled, a taste so right.
From Trident’s menu, a kebab’s bold,
Signature hara kebab, a story untold.

Zaituni Fish Tikka

In distant lands, where flavors ignite,
Zaituni fish tikka, a culinary sight.
Marinated in olives, with spices so keen,
Grilled to perfection, a seafood’s sheen.
A dish from afar, a Mediterranean goal,
Zaituni fish tikka, a feast for the soul.

Zatar Spiced King Prawn

In the Middle East’s heart, where spices they’re known,
Zatar spiced king prawn, with flavors full-blown.
Zatar’s herbal magic, a seasoning’s grace,
On king prawns it rests, a Middle Eastern embrace.
A dish so regal, a taste to extol,
Zatar spiced king prawn, a culinary scroll.

Super Green Wrap

In the health-conscious world, where greens are the key,
Super green wrap, a nutritious decree.
Spinach and kale, with veggies in tow,
Wrapped in a tortilla, a healthful glow.
A green revolution, a wholesome stroll,
Super green wrap, where wellness is the goal.

Granny Smith Apple Pie

In Grandma’s kitchen, where memories reside,
Granny Smith apple pie, with love as its guide.
Tart green apples, in a pastry so flakey,
Cinnamon and sugar, a flavor so cakey.
A pie made with love, a slice to console,
Granny Smith apple pie, a classic for the soul.

Flourless Chocolate Cake

In the dessert’s realm, where chocolate is king,
Flourless chocolate cake, a heavenly thing.
Rich and decadent, with cocoa’s might,
A dessert so divine, a pure delight.
With every bite, a chocolate’s toll,
Flourless chocolate cake, to satisfy the soul.

Ballad poems are like songs in a story. They often tell exciting or emotional tales about people, events, or adventures. Ballads use simple words and repeating rhythms, making them easy to remember and sing. Imagine your favorite bedtime story turned into a catchy song, and that’s a ballad poem!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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