Pather Paunchali: Weighing in on Amdavadi footpaths vs Panaji pavements



When you walk, Marie Kondo supposedly strides across your brain and kicks out thought-junk. But many Indian cities have pedestrian ideas about improving pavements. In Ahmedabad, most pavements are the size of a toddler’s vocabulary – spanning essentials such as ‘bow-bow’ and ‘mokortycle’.

Six bow-bows and 18 illegally parked mokortycles muddle an average Amdavadi footpath stretch. In that setting, walking 5km to clear your head will jam your skull with traffic and canine snarls.
But why 5km? Psyche cleansing worth 10km will be too abrasive for beginners. They will produce Dad jokes: ‘Inequality is rampant! Look at Vidyut Jammwal, the world is divided between Abs and Abs-Nots!’ And 3km won’t get you much mileage on Facebook.
In Delhi, if you veer onto the road accidentally, people in mega-modern cars imply you are a jaywalker from the Stone Age. ‘Oye, BC!’ they holler.

No such dating is required in Panaji. Roamers have enough space to avoid any relationship with vehicle owners.

The pavement from Miramar to the jetty is as wide as Shakespeare’s lexicon. Some scholars claim the patch paid back Will with a revelation. During a Miramar stroll, Will shooed away autograph-hunting tourists. ‘Et tu brutish selfie-takers’, he apparently shouted. On the spot, he sussed out that the line could be knifed a bit and used in a murder scene.

So you should be kind to first-time walkers when they get carried away by Miramar’s unspoilt prairie of paver blocks.
On a recent 1am post-work walk, a novice charged past Kala Academy to keep up with colleagues. His thighs tightened like his parents’ faces had when he told them he wanted to become a journalist, not a cardiologist.

He pressed on, his body hauling his paunch – imagine a cashew bearing the load of an Alphonso mango. Outside the forest department’s park, aches amassed around his waist. Fat cells mobilised against the sudden attempt to evict them from their residence of 50+ years.

On the Mandovi, the gambling vessels are islands of illuminated cassata, the perfect FB background for the ‘workout picture’. Stumbling on, 2.5km was recorded. The return journey was a cakewalk: he looked for a bakery to give himself a fitness reward. Colleagues’ rebuke was tart.

‘Did you play poker?’ somebody asked him after looking at the casino picture. ‘I am not a card-iologist remember?’ he said. Marie, clearly 5km is not enough to get a tidy, pun-free head.



This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.



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