Part-2: How to stop the hurricane of overthinking? The antidote to ‘Rumination-Reality’



Kalpana Nair

Kalpana Nair is a Certified Life Coach from the Life Coach Training Institute from San Diego, USA. She is also an MBA in Marketing, from ITM, Mumbai, India and has a BSc degre

  1. Make Your Own Creative Healing Template: You need to process the caveat: The toxic person has no power to make me self-reject/self-soothe or feel like I have no value.  How can you process this truth?  Via dance, writing a song, strumming a tune on your guitar, painting the authentic part of you – as you feel it awakening, calling your friend, setting a therapist appointment, doing the things you were not ‘free’ to do earlier.  Express and Process in the method that best suits your personality.  Keep changing the processing methods and experience more than one as you go along. Create your own method.  This weakens and breaks neural patterns and cycles and you will see the impact fades away of your earlier burdensome thoughts.
  2. Allow the Discomfort: of the absence of the toxic person to be felt fully.  It is this training they gave you of constant phone calls, meetings, pings etc., to leave your system when you become ok with the ‘void and the missing’ of them.  The muscle memory will recall the ‘good times’ – but you have to know that this suffering is your body saying to you – that it was NOT a good time – it was all about toxic control and now you are letting that all go. It is painful and you are bearing that pain.
  3. Find the Proof – Make an Inventory: of the toxic things they did that made you feel violated and make an inventory of the strengths and brave things that you have done in your life, during or even before they entered your life. Assess this inventory to find the ‘proof’ that you are powerful and have done things that reflect this strength of you.
  4. Have a Pity Party: feel the lowest you have felt.  Lean in to that ‘victimization-feeling’ and then let it go completely.  Release it and let it out of your system.  Now you have a blank space – that fills in with your authentic self of power and silence.  You have heard and acknowledged the grief and loss you feel and you have released it.
  5. Be Bored: each moment does not have to be filled with activity.  Be bored and be ok with it.  You were trained to have elaborate moments of ‘new experiences’ and were bowled over by those.  Hence the time without that feels empty. Again, get used to being bored.  It is healing.
  6. Talk to your Triggers: “It wasn’t about me at all.  I get it now.  How can I have harmful cravings when I am content with the space and the boredom that allows my own truth to arise.  I am fine.  I am safe. I thank you my triggers. I am connecting to self.” Rinse and repeat.
  7. Ruminating & Remembering Coexist:  It is normal for you to feel zombie-like, disconnected in the present moment (especially at special occasions) and at the same time, slowly to start remembering your soul’s wisdom and your truth that sets you free.  These two feelings will coexist. You might be a wreck and a superpower at the same time.  It is ok.  Allow it.  It is leading you to you. 
  8. Fail Gloriously: Allow yourself to think that it is ok to fail magnificently at this rumination-reality.  That you are not under any microscope and that it is ok that this relationship is flawed and did not work out the way you had anticipated.  It is fine.  It happens.  It is not your role to appear perfect.  Let the optics of it go.  Lean in to what it is and begin from what is being revealed to you here.
  9. Create a ‘Rumination-Reset’ Treasure Trove:  Be prepared for the next bout of ‘rumination-reality’ by creating the ‘Rumination-Reset’ Treasure Trove.  This is a beautiful big wooden box into which you have put all the ‘proof’ that you want to give yourself when this rumination bout hits you again.  At that point you can open this box and go through the contents and be again connected to your courageous, authentic and powerful self, with full control over your emotions and actions.  

Be prepared with your soul’s-wisdom and guidance with all the things that you put within this box. It could contain a small painting of an energy glow that is your shield from the onslaught of thoughts.  It could be the baby collage.  The post-it that preempts the time this rumination happens. A joke about you seeing it but falling for it. A post-it that says ‘You are amazing and this is normal.’ A folded note about all the things on your inventory of toxic things they have done to you.  An open note about your strengths.  Some dried flowers or potpourri. Some beautiful fragrance that you can smell as soon as you open the box – that connects you to YOUR sense of self – of YOU – that cannot be infiltrated.  

Know that you are an amazing soul being brought to the forefront of your calling and purpose – that you cannot ignore anymore.  You are lucky that this ‘rumination-reality’ is showing you that one reality of you – that you had forgotten – that you are infinite wisdom and this truth wants to be revealed in your life right now.  No more forgetting who you are.  

When you follow the above antidote, the hurricane subsides and becomes a gentle, calming breeze caressing your face, telling you that you are fine and you have to do something that only you can – that is waiting to express and happen through you. Connect with only that one thought – that is the only true thought.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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