
Pakistan’s security problems are again worsening. But this time the Chinese are burning their fingers too. Monday’s strike, where militants from Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) tried to storm Pak navy base PNS Siddique in Balochistan’s Turbat, took place within a week of an attack on Gwadar port complex. The common link? China. Gwadar is the centrepiece of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, while the naval base was reportedly hosting Chinese drones.

Risky business | Yesterday, five Chinese nationals were killed by a suicide bomber in northwest Pakistan. This clearly shows all is not well with CPEC projects that have increasingly come to be seen as robbing Pakistan’s poor for the benefit of military elite. Minerals-rich Balochistan has long complained about Islamabad’s imperialistic treatment. Now the anger is directed at generals’ best friend Beijing. While Pak army does provide security for CPEC projects, this hasn’t stopped attacks.

Double game? | But Pakistan is a master at using terrorism for leverage. BLA has been a thorn in Islamabad’s side for years. Yet, if it keeps the Chinese on tenterhooks, that’s leverage the generals wouldn’t mind when they are taking on billions of dollars in Chinese loans.

Double trouble | This too-clever-by-half strategy of course leads to costs. Supping with terrorists has cost Pakistan a huge number of civilian lives. Along with BLA, Pak Taliban too has increased frequency of attacks since termination of ceasefire with Islamabad in Nov 2022. So much for the generals’ ‘brilliant’ strategy of grooming Afghan Taliban for strategic depth.

Losing face and more | Despite generals calling the shots, China knows it won’t ever get its money back. But it doesn’t want to lose face by admitting it. Beijing is realising that its all-weather friend is all-weather trouble. India should continue to keep its guard up and prevent any spillovers of Pak terror. If the Beijing-Islamabad nexus weakens, it’s good for New Delhi.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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