Nurturing nature with Guru Nanak’s eco-wisdom


-By Harminder Kaur

Guru Nanak advocated an integrated approach between human life and nature. He envisioned nature as much a part of God’s creation as a human being. The other shape of God that is Saguna, manifest, is not in humanity alone, it is in the entire nature and universe. It is revealed in various hues and colours, the environment and the aroma of nature, in the singing birds and the blooming flowers. He said to love God means to love His entire creation, including nature, a broad term for the environment.

When we look at the state of the environment today, we realise the wisdom of one man in the 15th century who thought about environmental preservation, which in the present times we call sustainable development.

Look at today’s reality: The earth is denuded of its forest cover; our water resources stand depleted due to over-harvesting; the atmosphere is overloaded with heat-trapping gases from our different modes of transport, industries and power units; a smoky haze of pollution envelops our skyline; our life-sustaining rivers, water resources, are polluted with industrial waste; and human trash is impacting our lakes, streams, ponds and rivers; marine life is under threat due to the acidification of the oceans; our glaciers, our main water resources, are melting due to global warming.

Guru Nanak proclaimed that the universe was created by a divine order and with a divine purpose. It is, therefore, the duty of man not to disturb that divine order. He saw human beings as an integral part of nature, not in conflict with it. In his vision, man and nature are interdependent. There cannot be a dominance of one over the other as it is being practised in modern times, when man is dominating nature and destroying it endlessly in a mad race of development.

Guru Nanak takes a more purposive view of man. If man is the acme of His creation, he is the medium of his message, which is, consciousness or knowledge of his relationship with nature and, therefore, he cannot be at cross-purposes with it. Knowledge also places a certain responsibility on man – of not conducting himself in any way that is destructive or endangers life in the planetary system. He said: “Air is the vital force; water, the progenitor; the vast earth, the mother of all; day and night are nurses, fondling all creation in their lap.”

In other words, the air is our guru, teacher, because it is the medium through which Guru’s words are brought to us; water is our father because it is through water that we are conceived; and earth is our mother because it has the procreative power that nurtures all life. If we realise this, we cannot harm our environment because we are a part of it.

Living in harmony with nature was Guru Nanak’s vision of protecting God’s creation. There is a dire need to step back, pause and look for a solution within the framework of his vision to stop further environmental degradation. He underscores that God can be realised through nature: “The Lord who the universe has created, and in it is pervasive. By His creation, know Him.” (SGGS p 581)

November 27 is Guru Nanak Jayanti



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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