Not a job for quotas: Violence over Maratha reservations symptomatic of what happens to states opting for short-sighted fixes


Over two years after a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court rejected Maharashtra’s legislation to carve out a standalone reservation for Marathas over and above the existing ones, the issue continues to reverberate. On Sunday, the state government placed a police officer in Jalna on compulsory leave following the outbreak of violence earlier over the matter. Governments have come and gone since an ordinance to provide for Maratha reservation was first promulgated nine years ago, but the matter continues to fester.

Maharashtra is not an isolated example. Governments are increasingly prone to using reservation for politically influential groups as a tactic to both build an electoral coalition and offset the challenging employment scenario. These short-sighted tactics have long-term negative consequences. For example, consider the cases of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. In these states, governments at the tail end of their terms made hamhanded attempts to tweak existing quotas, which have birthed challenges that continue to grow. TN in 2021 introduced internal reservation for Vanniyars within the 20% quotas for MBCs. It was struck down by SC because the change wasn’t backed by data. However, the current government is still looking for a way out. In Karnataka, tweaks to reservations made last year have ended up in SC, which observed that they are prima facie flawed.

The jurisprudence on reservation has unambiguously held that caste can only be a starting point for identifying backwardness. It has to be supplemented by data on other criteria to meet judicial tests. However, as examples from three of India’s economically significant states show, governments are unmindful of these aspects. But once the genie is out of the bottle, subsequent governments fritter political capital in trying to seek compromises. In the absence of fast-paced growth in employment opportunities, governments have chosen to amend existing quotas to cater to interests of handpicked groups. Neither is this a substitute for increasing the size of the economic pie, nor is it costless. Maharashtra’s never ending problems over Maratha reservations show why.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.


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