No surprise in GDP number, but challenges to govt investment are emerging



India’s GDP grew by 7.8% in April-June quarter to Rs 40.37 lakh crore. It’s marginally lower than RBI’s forecast of 8% but in line with the expectations of private sector economists.

Among the components of GDP, private consumption expenditure grew 6% to Rs 23.12 lakh crore. In sequential terms, the growth rate of consumption, the largest component of India’s GDP, has improved over the last two quarters. However, it continues to remain below the overall growth rate which suggests that segments of consumers haven’t recovered fully from the fallout of the damage caused by Covid-19.

From a political economy standpoint, weakness in consumption provides an explanation for why political parties are leaning towards increasing targeted subsidies at the levels of both centre and states.

RBI’s forecast for the remaining three quarters indicates that it expects growth rates to slow down and record 6.5% for 2023-24. Therefore, the April-June quarter is the best we can expect in terms of growth.

Given this backdrop, a challenge which may emerge has to do with investment. Investment, or gross fixed capital formation, increased by 8% in the April-June quarter to Rs 14 lakh crore. It’s been the central government which is the driving force as its emphasis on capital expenditure has drawn in private investment. This engine of growth may be running into a challenge.

In the April-June quarter, the centre’s capital expenditure increased to Rs 2.78 lakh crore, higher by 59%. This scorching pace of investment may soon face a constraint because tax collections have been unusually low. Gross tax revenue of the centre for this quarter increased by only 3.3% to Rs 6.7 lakh crore. This pace of growth is significantly lower than the nominal GDP growth of 8%.

Therefore, unless the centre finds a way to quicken the pace of tax revenue growth, its capital expenditure which has been an important driver of growth may slow down. As an alternative strategy to a slow pace of growth in tax collections, the centre can increase its forecast fiscal deficit through higher borrowings. But that will push up interest rates and make many private companies postpone investments. This area may be a key constraint to GDP growth in the next couple of quarters.




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