Navigating technological evolution: From 3G to 5G-ready business systems



The realm of technology undergoes gradual transformations rather than sudden shifts. Whether it’s the advent of innovations like ChatGPT or the introduction of the latest iPhone equipped with a USB-C port, these pivotal developments have been in the making for some time. For business executives who operate outside of these tech domains, it’s understandable not to be privy to the intricate details that lead to such advancements. However, it’s crucial to recognize that these changes don’t occur overnight.

Similarly, a business doesn’t lose its customers’ favor abruptly. It’s typically a culmination of shortcomings across various touchpoints that erodes customer trust in a product or service. Eventually, customers reach a point where they abandon the effort required to use the product and seek alternatives. Companies that prioritize monitoring and improving the customer experience don’t witness an abrupt exodus of customers but instead work proactively to address pain points as they arise.

The question at hand is whether your business system is advanced enough to identify and address these pain points as they occur, or if you’re relying on a legacy system that operates much like outdated 3G internet in an era where everyone expects 5G connectivity.

Recalling the Days of 3G Internet…

Most of us can reminisce about the introduction of the third generation of mobile internet, commonly known as 3G. Users accustomed to EDGE-based mobile internet, which offered downloads in mere kilobits per second (Kbps), suddenly experienced lightning-fast speeds measured in megabits (Mb) for the first time. Even Apple, a pioneer in the smartphone industry, embraced this technology, using it to showcase the potential of its App Store.

This technological leap enabled users to download and watch videos on their phones, and emails with substantial attachments could be sent effortlessly. Many people upgraded to smartphones to be part of this new era of communication. For some, it marked their first iPhone, an occasion of great excitement.

A Parallel Shift in the Business World…

In the business world, a similar shift occurred as companies adopted customer relationship management (CRM) software to track and document customer journeys. Every challenge or pain point encountered by a customer could now be meticulously recorded and addressed. As businesses became more reliant on the internet, they even encouraged customers to submit their complaints directly, ensuring that issues were promptly resolved as long as such a system was in place.

However, when systems fail to evolve…

Systems often result from a compromise between expectations and budgets. It’s only a matter of time before the limitations imposed by budget constraints become apparent, or evolving expectations surpass initial intentions. Technology itself has a shelf life that can be extended at the cost of efficiency and uptime.

When systems fail to adapt and evolve, opportunities to streamline workflows are missed, causing them to become more convoluted as they attempt to address their shortcomings. This challenge intensifies with newer customers whose expectations are shaped by experiences elsewhere.

Balancing these expectations becomes a double-edged sword. Legacy systems that have grown inefficient and encumbered with the demands of multiple stakeholders must still cater to evolving customer needs. Excluding them from business plans risks alienating a crucial source of growth—newer customers.

The result is a system that struggles to meet customer expectations, plagued by issues even employees find challenging to cope with. Even the most meticulously crafted documentation becomes obsolete as demands evolve, potentially causing disruptions in service.

The Solution…

The only way to resolve this issue is to redesign the system architecture to align with the latest technological offerings in the market. However, this must be accomplished in a manner that doesn’t disrupt ongoing operations or customer functionality.

In my many years working with tech organizations, I have come across very few organizations that work diligently to ensure that customer experience is only improved during this change. As an advisor to Bengaluru-based Opti Value Tek, I have seen this organization successfully assist numerous multinational companies in overcoming the challenges of system architecture redesign while ensuring uninterrupted business continuity, even in demanding environments like telecommunications. With a team of over 70 experts specializing in various fields, Opti Value Tek has helped plan and execute a comprehensive transformation that not only  addresses business’s current needs but also prepares them for the future.

The company meticulously examines every aspect of the system architecture to identify components that no longer meet business demands and formulates a plan to replace them with scalable options. As a business’s services expand, issues with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can have a compounding effect, slowing down other services. This can be alleviated by isolating services and striving for greater system maturity moving forward. All proposed changes undergo rigorous testing and continued monitoring post-implementation to prevent any disruptions even after the overhaul.

Opti Value Tek’s customers have reaped the benefits of implementing future-ready tools. If you’re aiming to make your business 5G-ready, the time to take action is now.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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