My Take 5 (Edition 9): The week that was in international affairs



Hope everyone’s doing well. Another week of hectic international politics has gone by. As usual, here are my top 5 takes on stories from around the world:

Western troops In Ukraine?: The biggest talking point last week was French President Emmanuel Macron’s comment that sending Western ground troops to Ukraine could not be ruled out. This led to an uproar with Nato members US, UK and Germany ruling out any such consideration. However, Lithuania and Estonia appeared to endorse Macron’s position. In fact, Lithuania’s foreign minister Gabrielius Landsbergis welcomed discussions on the subject, saying, “We (Nato) have set ourselves all possible red lines; we are not discussing at all the creation of any strategic dilemmas in Ukraine for the Russian army.”

Essentially, what Macron and Gabrielius are suggesting is that the option of sending troops into Ukraine should be treated as part of a strategic ambiguity position that keeps Russia guessing. For, given the complications that confront Ukraine this year in defending itself against Russian aggression, forcing Moscow to re-evaluate its battlefield plans to incorporate the possibility of Nato troops in Ukraine may help Kyiv. Of course, Moscow has reacted harshly to the proposition with Putin saying that the West risks a direct nuclear war if it sends forces into Ukraine, and that Russia can hit targets in the West. But with the Ukraine war now in its third year, Kyiv’s Western backers need a new strategy. Macron’s suggestion may be seen in that light.

Houthis sink British ship: US and UK confirmed last week that Yemen’s Houthi rebels hit and sunk UK-owned vessel Rubymar on Feb 18. Apparently, an anti-ship ballistic missile was used to sink the ship. The Houthis have remained defiant and say they will continue to target shipping of countries they see as aiding Israel in the war in Gaza. Despite multiple strikes by US and allies against Houthi targets over the past few months, the rebels’ decentralised structures remain intact. In fact, news is now coming in that the Houthis may have been behind the cutting of three underwater sea cables in the Red Sea – the group however has hitherto denied the allegation. Thus, the Houthi irritant is going nowhere.

Sharifs back in Pak hot seats: Pakistan’s politically influential Sharif family was back in that country’s political hot seats last week as former PM Nawaz Sharif’s daughter Maryam Nawaz became the first-ever female chief minister of a Pakistani province as she took over the administration of Pakistani Punjab. Meanwhile, her uncle and Nawaz’s brother, Shehbaz Sharif, became the PM for the second time running. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the support of the Pakistani army that stage-managed the recent Pakistan elections and effectively kept Imran Khan and his PTI party out. But there is no telling when the generals will change their minds or when the Sharifs will again fall foul of Rawalpindi GHQ. Pakistan’s political ‘Game of Thrones’ continues.

Australia grapples with foreign spies: Australia was rocked last week with revelations by its Australian Security Intelligence Organisation chief that a politician had knowingly assisted foreign spies before 2018. However, that politician is today no longer active. But his correspondence with foreign operatives had “sold out the country”. The intelligence boss said that the politician had helped select people for overseas conferences where they met foreign spies. The politician had apparently also promised to introduce the foreign spies to then Australian PM’s family members, but that approach did not go through. Although the Australian intelligence chief did not name the country the spies belonged to or the politician involved, it is being widely speculated that the foreign operatives were from China.

Chinese involvement in clandestine operations at various levels in Australia has long been suspected and reported. This was one of the reasons why Australia enacted sweeping anti-espionage laws in 2018. But given the revisionist path that the current Chinese government is on, Beijing-sponsored nefarious activities will continue. The Australian case serves as a warning to all democracies about the Chinese threat.

EU urges support for Taiwan: The European Parliament last week backed deepening ties with Taiwan and voiced concerns about increasing tensions across the Taiwan Strait in reports on two major security policies. The parliament called on the European Commission and EU member states to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organisations, condemned China’s aggression towards Taiwan, and affirmed that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent the Taiwanese people on the international stage. This is a big boost for Taiwan, which is continuously blocked from participation in international organisations by China. More countries and international entities need to stand up to China’s revisionist ideals and naked aggression so as to preserve the rules-based international order. And Taiwan makes such a rules-based international order stronger.       




Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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