My Take 5 (Edition 8): The week that was in international affairs



It’s been a hectic week so we are going to be quick with the latest warp of international news. Here we go…


Ukraine War enters third year: On February 24, the war in Ukraine completed two years and there’s no end in sight. Western leaders such as Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and Canada’s Justin Trudeau were in Kyiv to mark the occasion. They even signed defence-security agreements with Ukraine and pledged to continue their support for as long as it takes to achieve Ukrainian victory. However, the promised $61 billion in aid from the US remains stuck in the American Congress. And without this, things can get complicated for Kyiv this year. True, the US did announce fresh sanctions against Russia last week, targeting more than 500 people and entities. But as the past two years have shown, sanctions haven’t led to a total collapse of the Russian economy, but they have shot Russia’s long-term prospects. In other words, Russia will survive as a much diminished, militarised Spartan state. 

Ukraine, meanwhile, will need a huge effort to push back Russia from occupied territories. It needs an infusion of both manpower and advanced weapons. While it can and will defend successfully, it can’t go on a sweeping offensive unless the US comes through. This provides difficult choices for Kyiv’s leadership – when to attack, how much to attack, and what quantities of military resources to expend. Plus, Ukraine seeks a prosperous and safe future where its people can thrive. Putin only seeks to protect his regime and is willing to sacrifice as many Russians as necessary. Taken together, Ukraine really needs global support to come through this year. 

Sweden poised to join Nato: In that vein, Sweden is stepping up. It announced its largest military aid package for Ukraine (worth $682 million) last week that will provide Kyiv with artillery shells, air defence, boats and underwater weapons. This also comes as Hungary – the last holdout – is set to approve Sweden’s membership to Nato. With Sweden joining the Trans-Atlantic bloc after Finland last, another Russian narrative will die – that the war in Ukraine was meant to prevent Nato expansion. Russia’s invasion has only helped inflate the group with more candidates keen to join. Ukraine too will become a Nato member at a future date. Therefore, Moscow’s motivations for its so-called “special military” operation remain a mystery. 

Pakistan set to get a government: After much wrangling, Pakistan is set to get a new government with PML-N and PPP finally sealing a coalition deal last week. As per the agreement between the two parties, Shehbaz Sharif will be back as PM, while Asif Ali Zardari will be the coalition’s joint candidate for the post of president. Meanwhile, Imran Khan’s PTI-backed candidates, who won a majority of seats in the recently conducted national elections, have merged with a smaller party called Sunni Ittehad Council. The move is aimed at avoiding losing a share of the 70 reserved seats in Pakistan’s national assembly that are distributed among recognised political parties proportionally. However, this is also a tricky move for Imran as PTI still remains without a symbol and can’t contest elections as a party. Therefore, Imran’s party, technically, is only a notional entity today. This will suit Pakistan’s generals who have once again orchestrated a desirable political outcome for themselves and will continue to call the shots. 


Taiwan-China row: A fresh controversy erupted between Taiwan and China after Chinese coastguards boarded a Taiwanese tourist vessel off Taiwan’s Kinmen island last week. This comes after a Chinese fishing boat, which was being pursued by Taiwan’s coastguard, capsized, killing two Chinese people earlier this month. It was following that incident that Chinese coastguard had said that it would increase patrolling of the waters around Kinmen, which is just a few kilometres from China’s mainland. Obviously, Beijing is using this incident to again pile pressure on Taiwan through grey-zone tactics. The message is China will do whatever it wants, wherever it wants. And with Taiwan returning a DPP president in elections earlier this year, Beijing is certain to use every opportunity to erode Taiwan’s strategic space, test Taipei’s effective sovereignty over its waters and airspace, and continue its bullying of the democratic nation. Taiwan has no option but to boost its own security systems to counter Chinese hectoring.       

Trump wins South Carolina primary: In another victory for Trump in the Republican primaries, the former US president trounced his only remaining challenger for the Republican party nomination, Nikki Haley, in her home state of South Carolina. Trump certainly has one hand on the nomination but Haley is not giving up. However, it could be lights out for her in the next bunch of primaries. The only thing that could trip Trump up – and it’s a long shot at this point – is the slew of legal cases against him. That aside, a Biden versus Trump rematch this November seems to be increasingly on the cards. 




Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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