My Take 5 (Edition 6): The week that was in international affairs



Welcome back to another edition of My Take 5, your weekly wrap of international news over the past week. As usual, there’s a lot of ground to cover so let’s get to it.

A topsy-turvy Pakistan election: This one has been a real humdinger. After jailed former Pakistani PM Imran Khan’s party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was deprived of its party symbol by the country’s Supreme Court last month, candidates supported by it secured the lion’s share of seats in the National Assembly. Technically, these winning candidates are independents who could lend support to any of the other parties in the fray. But PTI is claiming victory and is even calling on the Pakistani President for government formation. Imran, meanwhile, has been putting out AI-generated videos of himself from jail, claiming victory and lauding the public for their support. However, all of this is likely in vain given his run-ins with the powerful Pakistani military, the primary locus of power in Pakistan.

In fact, former PM Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N will officially end up as the party with the largest bloc of seats, and talks are already underway with Zardari-Bhutto’s PPP for the formation of a possible coalition government. As things stand, the Pakistani military and its chief General Asim Munir are willing to accept anyone apart from Imran and PTI to lead the next government. And they couldn’t have planned things any better – by taking away PTI’s symbol but not banning the party, they effectively ruled out PTI’s official participation in the polls and ensured that even if candidates backed by it win, PTI can’t claim any of the 70-odd reserved seats in the National Assembly that are allocated through proportional representation.

So Pakistani army has got what it wanted. Imran is in the doghouse, and a potential coalition between PML-N and PPP will ensure that real power remains with the Generals. But whether this ‘Hybrid Regime’ model of governance brings stability to Pakistan, which is suffering from serious economic woes, remains to be seen.

Ukraine changes military leadership: The big news coming out of Ukraine last week was the replacement of its army chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi. After months of rumours and speculation, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy finally took the call to replace Zaluzhnyi with his ground forces chief Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi. It’s a tough call given Zaluzhnyi’s popularity, both among the troops and the Ukrainian public. However, it is also a fact that the war has changed significantly since it began in 2022. Russia is once again pressing in eastern Ukraine and Kyiv’s expected big counteroffensive last year failed to materialise. Add to this uncertainty about further aid from US and Trump’s attempts at sabotaging support for Ukraine – more on that later.

Put together, Ukraine certainly needed a tactical change. Plus, it’s not like Syrskyi is completely new to the job at hand. In his role over the past two years, he was heavily involved in the defence of Kyiv in 2022 and the successful Kharkiv counteroffensive later that year. So Syrskyi is someone who has a good measure of the challenges Ukraine faces and he is a known quantity for all of Ukraine’s backers. Seen in this context, the military leadership change wasn’t that controversial. This is going to be a tough year for Kyiv, and therefore, a new military leadership team with fresh ideas and tactics is welcome. Hopefully, the change will bring Ukraine better luck.

Time to Trump proof?: Here we go again. Donald Trump practically said that he would encourage Russia to attack Nato allies if they failed to pay up. Sounds familiar? He had similar complaints about Nato members not spending enough on military when he was president. That had led to ties between Washington and Nato capitals becoming frosty. But this time he seems to be going further and actually signalling that he would be fine with Russia attacking a Nato country, and he would just sit back and watch the show. This undermines the very basis of the Trans-Atlantic alliance and questions US commitment.

Essentially, Trump is like a mob boss who is asking for protection money – principles and democratic values be damned.  Not surprisingly, he has also been boasting about torpedoing a Senate foreign aid bill that tied US border security to aid being delivered to Ukraine and Israel. So, if Trump again gets elected US president, there’s little doubt that Ukraine will be in a terrible situation — Israel will survive thanks to the American Jewish lobby. And this is precisely what Putin wants. He is just waiting for Trump to get elected so that he can do whatever he wants in Ukraine, even use nukes. We already know that Putin and Trump share chemistry. Therefore, it would be wise for Nato, and democracies in general, to begin Trump-proofing themselves and look at ways to reduce dependence on US help under a potential Trump presidency.

Israel continues hostilities: Meanwhile, on the other war in Gaza, Israel prepared for a ground offensive in the border town of Rafah where half of Gaza’s 2.3 million population has sheltered since the outbreak of war. This, despite Israel’s Western allies urging restraint. But PM Netanyahu is having none of it and is determined to go in. Plus, an Israeli operation rescued two hostages from Rafah – something that Netanyahu will surely cite to press on with his Rafah invasion. Besides, earlier last week Netanyahu rejected a Hamas counter-proposal to a tentative ceasefire deal worked on by Egypt and Qatar, saying Tel Aviv will push for complete victory. That’s another way of saying more death and destruction in Gaza in the days ahead.

Miss Japan controversy:  This year’s winner of the Miss Japan contest created history. Karolina Shiino became the first person of European descent to win the pageant. She was born in Ukraine and moved to Japan’s Nagoya when she was five. She has no biological Japanese parentage. In a culturally conservative country like Japan, her being crowned as the acme of Japanese beauty is nothing short of revolutionary. It again sparked debates about what it means to be Japanese in the context of increasing numbers of foreign-born residents and biracial citizens. However, the story took an unexpected twist when information emerged that Shiino was in a relationship with a married man.

That led to another debate about differing moral standards for women in Japan as compared to men. Alas, in the midst of the controversy, Shiino chose to relinquish her crown, just a week after she won it. But the whole episode puts the spotlight on Japanese society. With a super-aging population and sharply declining birth rates, Japan can’t afford to be as insular as before. In that sense, Shiino as Miss Japan was a positive step. And her Ukrainian roots perhaps had a political message. But the backlash again shows Japanese society will only change ever so slowly.    





Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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