
Welcome back to another edition of our weekly wrap of global news. While election season is hotting up in India, things are still sizzling on the international front. So let’s get to it.


Bad look for Israel: Israeli PM Netanyahu has again raised the possibility of a ground assault on Rafah – the last remaining refuge for displaced Palestinians on the Gaza Strip – despite the US and the international community warning against it. Washington has repeatedly highlighted that a full-scale operation in Rafah will entail massive civilian casualties. But Netanyahu argues that four battalions of Hamas fighters are stationed in Rafah and it is only by eliminating them that Israel can achieve its goal of complete victory over the militant Palestinian group. At this point, it is clear that Israel cares little about civilian casualties as exemplified by the recent horrific killing of aid workers associated with the World Central Kitchen charity organisation by the Israeli armed forces.

There’s no denying that a Rafah offensive will see a massive spike in civilian deaths, further isolating Israel in the international arena. However, even if Netanyahu gets what he wants and launches the operation, there is no guarantee that Hamas will be eliminated. In fact, the war in Gaza has seen a spike in Hamas’s popularity among Palestinians and the devastation wrought by Israel has only ensured a future supply line of manpower for Hamas. Only a Two-State Solution can end this cycle of violence. But as long as Netanyahu stays, that’s not possible. All of this makes Israel look really bad. But clearly, the current Israeli administration doesn’t care.

Iran continues to threaten strikes: West Asia is also on tenterhooks with Iran vowing to strike back for Israel’s bombing of its embassy compound in Syria that killed seven top Iranian military advisers. While Tehran says Israel must be punished, Tel Aviv has vowed to directly strike targets in Iran should it be attacked from Iranian soil. There are also reports of the Israeli air force practising drills to target Iran’s nuclear facilities. All of this no doubt adds to regional tensions. However, Iran is unlikely to directly hit Israel. Instead, it may deploy its traditional tactic of using its proxies to target Israel and its allies.

That said, when Iranian general Qassem Soleimani was taken out by the Americans in 2020, Tehran retaliated through missile strikes on two Iraqi military bases hosting American troops. Plus, Iran had also launched missiles against targets in Iraq and Syria in January after terror bombings in the Iranian city of Kerman that killed 100 people. So anything can happen and the world should brace for shockwaves.

First US-Japan-Aus-Philippines naval exercise: In a show of strength and countering China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea, US, Australia, Japan and the Philippines held their first joint naval exercise last week in the Philippines’s exclusive economic zone. Dubbed Maritime Cooperative Activity, the exercise was meant to demonstrate collective commitment to freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific region. Recall also that Manila and Beijing have been involved in several clashes in South China Sea waters in recent months. No surprises then that China too announced a naval patrol exercise on the same day as the four-nation drills. With Beijing unwilling to back down from its expansive, and illegal, South China Sea claims, more skirmishes and grey-zone incidents are expected in these choppy waters.

Ma-Xi meet in Beijing: Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in a first for a Taiwanese leader. On the occasion, Xi reiterated the idea that two sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family and no external force could prevent their reunification. Ma, who belongs to the Taiwanese opposition Kuomintang, said that many Taiwanese are concerned about the outbreak of war between the two sides. This is actually carefully managed theatre. China is the one who has ramped up military threats against Taiwan over the last eight years because the current DPP administration in Taipei refuses to base Cross-Strait interactions on the so-called 1992 Consensus that there is only ‘One China’. But Beijing itself has corrupted the 1992 Consensus by deliberately ignoring the second part of the formulation that each side of the Taiwan Strait is free to interpret ‘One China’ differently. In any case, the whole thing was a convenient made-up tool to facilitate limited Cross-Strait interactions over three decades ago.

Neither Taiwan nor China is the same today. Majority of Taiwanese youth want nothing to do with China, while the majority of the Taiwanese people want the status quo to continue while preserving Taiwan’s democratic system. China, however, under Xi has taken a revisionist turn and is using the politics of nationalism and aggressive posturing to tide over internal domestic problems. Thus, the Ma-Xi meeting was organised by Beijing to score psychological-strategic points ahead of the May 20 inauguration of Taiwan’s next President and Vice-President, William Lai and Hsiao Bi-khim, that will usher in another DPP administration. The 1992 Consensus is dead. Ma seems to have missed the memo.

Nepal-China dynamics: Nepal’s new foreign minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha undertook a visit to China between March 25 and April 1. That visit is reported to have made some progress in furthering China’s Belt and Road implementation plan for Nepal. However, doyen of Nepali foreign policy and former foreign minister, Ramesh Nath Pandey, spoke to Times of India’s Rudroneel Ghosh and expressed deep reservations about Nepal’s drift towards China. According to him, China is establishing party-to-party relations with Nepali communist parties and even training the latter’s youth cadre.

Beijing’s gameplan is to unite Nepal’s communist parties which would create an unassailable political bloc in the Himalayan state, especially since now-in-opposition Nepali Congress appears to be listless. Therefore, Pandey believes there is a chance that Nepal might permanently slip into China’s orbit. This is something that will certainly concern India, which is already locked in a border standoff with China with New Delhi-Beijing ties deteriorating over the last few years. Notwithstanding historic relations between India and Nepal, New Delhi would be wary about Beijing’s increasing footprint in the Himalayan nation.






Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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