My Take 5 (Edition 12): The week that was in international affairs



Welcome back to another edition of the weekly news wrap. As usual, we have a lot of ground to cover so let’s dive into it:


Ukraine’s Kuleba in India:  Last week Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba undertook his first visit to India after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale aggression against his country in 2022. Kuleba pitched for greater cooperation between New Delhi and Kyiv and, in an exclusive interview with Times of India’s Rudroneel Ghosh, affirmed that Ukraine did not mind India’s Russian oil purchases as long as the money could not be used by Moscow to fuel its war machinery. This is a significant reversal of Kuleba’s earlier criticism of India’s import of cheap Russian oil. But that too Kuleba explained away by saying that India-Ukraine interactions have seen positive changes over the last two years. Besides, Kuleba also pointed out that the Indian armed forces were closely following the war and keenly observing the lacklustre performance of Russian weapons, suggesting India may reconsider its own Russian defence platforms in the near future.

While India continues to maintain a balancing act on the war, it’s increasingly becoming clear that India’s long-term prospects lie in aligning more closely with the West. After all, with Russia and China today enjoying a ‘no-limits friendship’ and given Beijing’s open belligerence towards New Delhi’s interests, Moscow is no longer as attractive a strategic partner as it used to be. In that context, boosting ties with Ukraine, a future EU and Nato member, is a good idea.


Jolt for Erdogan: In a big setback to Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party, local elections in Turkey saw the secularist CHP register a historic victory across the country. This includes stunning victories in Ankara and Istanbul – the latter gave CHP’s Ekrem Imamoglu a resounding 51% of the vote. This strengthens Imamoglu’s position as Erdogan’s principal political rival. More significant is the fact that there are signs that Erdogan’s conservative base deserted him this time, disillusioned by persisting high inflation hovering around 70%. If the trend holds, it could mean a serious roadblock for Erdogan’s so-called reforms agenda, including enacting a new Constitution. Erdogan has ruled Turkey in an authoritarian mode for two decades. But his divisive, polarising style may be beginning to alienate voters. Of course, much depends on Imamoglu and CHP’s future performance. Let’s not forget that Erdogan won a re-election just last year. But everything that goes up must come down. Turkey’s modern-day Ottoman sultan may just be looking at diminishing political fortunes.


Israel hits Iran in Syria: Again escalating regional tensions, Israel hit Iran’s embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus, killing seven top Iranian military advisers. This included a top commander of Iran’s elite Quds force. Attacking an embassy compound in a third country is certainly a flagrant violation of international norms. But Tel Aviv has been justifying its actions as part of the wider regional war it is fighting against Iran-backed proxies, including Hamas in Gaza. But this will again test Israel’s international standing and alliance with the US. Washington has been trying to finesse its support to Tel Aviv amidst the Gaza war. But Israeli PM Netanyahu’s actions are giving the Biden administration a hard time. With no end in sight for its Gaza offensive, and increasing belligerence towards Lebanon, Syria and Iran, Israel is playing a dangerous game here that could eventually engulf the whole of West Asia. And with protests growing against Netanyahu at home, a major regional crisis looms.


China irks India over Arunachal: China again released a list of names for places in India’s Arunachal Pradesh which Beijing claims as part of ‘South Tibet’. This is the fourth such list China has published. Of course, India has rubbished this renaming exercise and firmly asserts its sovereignty over Arunachal. China is a bully, plain and simply. It doesn’t see India as an equal and is bent upon undermining Indian interests to prevent New Delhi’s rise. All talk of India-China cooperation leading to an Asian century is bunkum – China wants to be No.1 and its main target is the US. In such a scenario, if China doesn’t respect Indian sovereignty, India too should revise its adherence to the so-called ‘One China’ policy. Plus, note that India’s practical cooperation with Republic of China or Taiwan has been growing over the years. New Delhi and Taipei are also looking at cooperation in the strategic semiconductors sector. Therefore, there’s no reason for India to be concerned about so-called Chinese sensitives. Taiwan offers us much more. China, meanwhile, is a strategic rival and a genuine problem case.


Quake hits Taiwan: A massive earthquake measuring 7.2 in magnitude struck Taiwan, leading to at least nine deaths with 821 injured and 127 still trapped at the time of going to press. The earthquake’s epicentre was off the coast of Hualien in central Taiwan with the tremor being measured as the biggest to hit the island nation in 25 years. While Taiwan is no stranger to earthquakes, there have been concerns in the past about the quality of building in the country. Older buildings built during the pre-multi-party-democracy era were afflicted by corrupt practices. The current DPP Taiwan government has vowed to rectify these and make infrastructure earthquake resilient. That shouldn’t be a problem for high-tech Taiwan.      



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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