My Take 5 (Edition 11): The week that was in international affairs




Terror attack in Russia: Radical jihadists, reportedly belonging to the Khorasan branch of the Islamic State Group, stormed into Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow last week, opening fire on concert-goers and setting the building ablaze, killing at least 139 people. Russian authorities have detained 11 people in connection with the attack – the worst in Russia since the Beslan massacre. However, the Putin regime claims that the terrorists were trying to cross into Ukraine after the attack, something that Kyiv denies vehemently.

In fact, the Russian claim smells of propaganda as the US embassy in Moscow had warned Russian authorities of an extremist attack only a couple of weeks ago. Plus, given Moscow’s past brutal security interventions in places like Chechnya and involvement in the war against IS in Syria, the Moscow regime has long been a target of Islamist terrorists. Therefore, it is quite possible that the Putin regime is trying to cover up its failure to prevent the attack by cynically suggesting a Ukrainian hand in supposed justification of its illegal, unilateral and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. In fact, the past weekend has seen heavy Russian missile and drone strikes against Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv and Lviv, almost coinciding with the Moscow terror attack. The strike on Kyiv even saw Russia use the supersonic Zircon missile launched from occupied Crimea. Though the missiles were shot down, falling debris led to much damage and injuries. So, ironically, while Russia is facing terror attacks by Islamist jihadists, it too is wreaking terror on Ukrainian cities and people.

US distances from Israel, slightly: For the first time in nearly six months, the US abstained on a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This allowed the resolution to be adopted as all other 14 members of the council voted for the resolution. In detail, the resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire for the Islamic month of Ramadan and release of all hostages held by Hamas and other Palestinian groups. Washington had previously vetoed such resolutions saying they did not condemn Hamas enough. But the Biden administration has been increasingly frustrated with Israel’s Netanyahu who has refused to pause the war for emergency humanitarian aid to be delivered to Gaza and even plans a massive military operation in Rafah where most of Gaza’s population has taken shelter from the conflict.

In fact, Netanyahu cancelled a high-level delegation to Washington just after the latter’s abstention in the UNSC. But with US elections coming up later this year, and given the influence of the American Jewish lobby, it remains to be seen if the Biden administration will truly cut off Netanyahu and stop providing Israel with military equipment. Highly unlikely. 

Pak terrorists target China: In a daring attack, Pakistani militants from the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) tried to storm the PNS Siddique naval base in Balochistan province. The base, the second largest of its kind in Pakistan, was reportedly hosting Chinese drones. This comes within a week of another strike on the Gwadar Port complex seen to be the centrepiece of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Additionally, five Chinese nationals were also killed in a separate suicide bombing in northwestern Pakistan. All of these indicate that resentment against Chinese projects in Pakistan is growing. CPEC was touted as a game-changer for Pakistan. But projects under it have only benefited the Pakistani military elite. Add to this the history of insurgency in places like Balochistan and Pakistan’s northwest, and Chinese investments are being seen as extension of Islamabad’s exploitation.

Basically, Pakistan has long fostered terrorism as an instrument of state policy. But today not only have terror groups turned on their master but even insurgents in Pakistan are increasingly adopting violent tactics. And China, as the all-weather friend of the Pakistani regime, finds itself in the crosshairs.

Vietnam’s president resigns: In a sudden development, Vietnam’s president Vo Van Thuong tendered his resignation to the Vietnam Communist Party’s Central Committee. This comes barely a year after the former president, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, was forced to resign over corruption charges in January 2023. Although reasons for Vo’s resignation were not clearly spelled out, it is said that he violated rules for discipline and propriety expected of a top party member.

Since the middle of the last decade, Vietnam has been carrying out an unrelenting anti-corruption campaign that has netted around 200,000 party members, both big and small. However, such campaigns can also be a cover for internal party struggles in communist set-ups. That two Vietnamese presidents resigned in such a short span shows jostling within the top leadership ahead of the 2026 Party Congress. However, all of this is unlikely to hamper Vietnam’s growing role in East Asia as a potential alternative to Chinese manufacturing. As Western nations and businesses look to diversify away from China, Vietnam is an attractive proposition.

China, Philippines again face off in SCS: The Philippines lodged a strong protest against Chinese aggressive tactics in the South China Sea after three of its soldiers were wounded. The incident took place near the Second Thomas Shoal and the Filipino soldiers were injured after Chinese vessels shot water cannons at them. The shoal has been occupied by a small contingent of Filipino navy and marines since 1999. But Chinese coastguard and maritime militia vessels have surrounded the shoal, obstructing Filipino operations.

This is part of China’s expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea which have already been deemed illegal by the 2016 Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling. In fact, Indian external affairs minister S Jaishankar has backed the Philippines in its confrontation with China, calling on Beijing to respect UNCLOS as the maritime constitution. But China, which has embarked on a revisionist power trip, is unlikely to heed and will continue to engage in grey-zone tactics to push its illegal maritime claims. The only solution is joint action to push back against Chinese tactics.


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