MSP procurement need not be an all or nothing intervention



As a group of farmer unions from Punjab march towards Delhi once again, they are braced for barricades, barbed wire, water cannons and tear-gas. Their demand for a legally guaranteed Minimum Support Price (MSP) for all crops amps up a familiar policy drone: a long-standing hum of discontent that views the protestors as lone beneficiaries of distortionary and unsustainable schemes that have no place in today’s forward-looking and market-oriented policy climate.

Yet, even as Punjab continues to irrigate and irritate the policy imagination, far-reaching extrapolations on the promise and perils of MSP from this context alone are quite unproductive. Indeed, it is the predominant Punjab-specific MSP procurement system that is narrow and outdated. By persisting with this, we fail to consider important lessons and innovations from the MSP-procurement landscape unfolding across states and dismiss the role that a more decentralised and dynamic framework might play in supporting sustainable agro-ecological, nutritional and economic transitions across diverse regions.

When the farmers of Punjab and Haryana rise to demand a guaranteed MSP, they do so on the basis of a half-century long experience of continuous, unlimited post-harvest public procurement at MSP rates for both paddy and wheat, sold through mandi-based intermediaries and bought by FCI for the central pool. But it is this particular combination that makes MSP procurement appear to be such an all or nothing intervention. It is also the reason that an assured MSP at this scale and coverage remained largely limited to two crops and to two states.

More recently, some states have made use of the centre’s decentralised procurement scheme to introduce and expand the coverage of MSP procurement of wheat (Madhya Pradesh) and paddy (Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) while reducing public food distribution costs. A number of states also have region and crop-specific price stabilisation interventions that they undertake, and the Odisha Millet Mission, for example, has gained recognition for incentivising millet production for nutrition security through both decentralised procurement and distribution. These are diverse cases of limited public procurement by design and so inevitably on the ground, implementation processes have generated various errors of inclusion and exclusion, logistical lapses and seasonal political tussles between centre and state. But importantly, these initiatives provide fertile ground to observe the significant local and regional effects that substantial but limited public procurement can have on the prices farmers receive. They also demonstrate the speed and scale with which states can put in place decentralised context-specific public infrastructures and systems across villages and diverse market sites.

A critical lesson is that MSP procurement need not be seen as antithetical to the functioning of dynamic agricultural markets. MSP policies can be designed and implemented as a pathway to market development and as a safeguard and stabilisation mechanism in volatile markets. It does not imply state control of commodity markets via universal procurement or by policing every transaction. Its effectiveness depends on understanding what MSP is (price support) and is not (income support).

Depending on the region and commodity, where market prices generally prevail well over MSPs, it can still function as a non-distortionary floor price in regulated auctions, where mandi prices also serve as benchmarks for exchange outside. In other cases (for example, oilseeds and pulses), limited but significant post-harvest MSP procurement can serve the purpose of incentivising production by ensuring local and regional price support and stabilisation. This should be done while strengthening agro-commercial ecosystems, enabling regional processing and trade to expand. And for a set of agro-ecologically sustainable and nutritionally rich crops, decentralised procurement and distribution can be re-designed and enhanced, providing production support and assured markets to producers, while improving diets, transitioning from food security to nutritional security.

World over, farmers place demands for fair and remunerative prices for agricultural produce on their governments. In this regard, the farmer unions are doing their part. A meaningful response from policymakers must first begin with much greater humility and a spirit of understanding. But the question of MSP also deserves far greater conceptual clarity and then a much more ambitious, co-operative, calibrated and agile approach. If taken seriously, it offers a real opportunity to learn from the past and build new and updated legal, policy and institutional frameworks that meet the agroecological, nutritional, and economic challenges of the present and future.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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