Mitigating operational risks through better people management in banks



The size, diversity, and range of market players in the banking industry are well poised to grow as the economy is expected to reach US $ 5 trillion by 2026. According to the Chief Economic Advisor (CEA), India has the potential to grow at 6.5-7 percent and will become a USD 5 trillion economy by 2025-26 and USD 7 trillion by 2030. S & P in their Global Credit Outlook 2024 also projects India to be the third largest economy by 2030 reaching US $ 7.3 trillion by then. Amid such buoyancy, the asset size of the banking industry grew from Rs. 152 trillion in March 2018 to Rs. 216 trillion by March 2023 with a CAGR of 8.42 percent. 

Even if we extrapolate the data for the next five years to 2028 with the same growth trend, the asset size should be somewhere close to Rs. 306 trillion. Looking at the higher expected growth rate, the volume of banking assets could be more than the anticipated level. In the milieu of such buoyant growth, banks will have to explore ways to manage the rising interconnected risks and draw synergy from better-regulated NBFCs including Fintech. 

In the changing demographic profile – Zen-Z and Zen-alpha customers will be the mainstay of the future taking forward the digital banking penetration. Customer interactions and relationship management well aligned to their needs will continue to be the mainstay of banking operations. Though pricing is important, there may be other valid reasons why new-age customers select and stay with a particular bank. Behavioral attitudinal display of employees will be important. Banks must try to distinguish themselves by creating their niches or images, especially in transparent situations with a high level of competitiveness. A holistic future view highlights some clear priorities. The business will grow and so also the risks. 

Banks will have to gear up to manage business risks to unleash the potentiality of growth with a long-term futuristic outlook. In strengthening the framework of risk, among others, while credit and market risk may sound familiar with appropriate tools and interoperable technology but most complex risk could be the operational risk (OR) – the losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems or external events. Even among the components of OR, the most critical and sensitive could be human resources management (HRM).  As such, among many challenges, the most daunting could be honing the talent of its people to better manage OR which could be instrumental in managing other forms of integrated risk universe. 

The future success of banks will depend upon how the risk management ecosystem and its resilience are built with people oriented to it. Efficient risk management may not be possible without efficient and skilled manpower. Banking has been and will always be a ‘People Business’ even when AI tools are used. Regulations will get tougher to ensure financial stability. It calls for enhanced rigor in enforcing governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) where the quality of people could be the key differentiator. Going forward, working out and implementing people-centric strategies could be the right solution to manage OR for safer harnessing of growth and ensuring sustainability.

  • Strategies to better manage HR: 

RBI data on staff strength in banks indicate that in 2017-18, the number of employees in PSBs was 8,07,448 which went down to 7,56,644 by March 2023 due to merger and rationalisation of staff. In private banks, the strength increased from 4,20,285 to 7,45,612 during the period. In all banks, the strength moved up from 13,89,451 to 17,65,017. Their asset size moved up from Rs.100 trillion to Rs.140 trillion for PSBs, Rs. 43 trillion to Rs. 84 trillion in private banks and in all banks, it has moved up from Rs.152 trillion to Rs. 216 trillion in the last five years. 

More than the number of employees, the age profile, qualification, certifications to update knowledge, skill sets, attitude to work in the service sector, ability to learn and unlearn, curiosity to understand the changing regulations and compliance orientation, and ability to share knowledge and apply it in banking operations will be necessary to manage risks. 

Banks will have to create an appropriate ecosystem to enable willing employees to fine-tune their knowledge and skills to remain relevant to managing changing dimensions of risks. Incentivizing the upgradation of knowledge and creating an enabling leadership environment to retain talent will also be necessary. 

Based on the vision, aspirations, and SWOT of the bank, the evolving business mix needs to be deciphered to find talent gaps in critical areas of marketing, credit, management of stressed assets, treasury, risk, technology, legal, HR, and more importantly the banking operations – line management skills. The report of the Committee on Capacity Building in Banks and non-Banks – 2014 (Chairman: Shri G Gopalakrishna, former Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India) could be a guide to the capacity building plan.  Assessing the talent pool by using appropriate psychometric tests, and grouping them into homogenous skill sets and knowledge to ensure informed decision-making in deployment will be the right ongoing strategy. An inventory of a talent pool of different levels and different skills will have to be on the dashboard of management. 

Planned exposure of potential workforce to various training and continuous leadership orientation/mentoring in each line of business will be necessary to ensure that their management strategies balance between near-term goals and the long-term vision of the organization. It will be necessary to carve out a talent pool gap for the next 5 to 10 years. Then the banks can start a leadership development process to groom pipeline leaders on a sustained mode. The significant contributions to coaching, mentoring, leading in crises, employer branding, and living up to the values and culture of the organizations will be the differentiating factors that should not change with the change of leadership of the organization. 

In an evolving gig economy, skill decides the relevance of human resources more than their physical presence. Eminent HR experts aptly describe skilling human resources as the new currency and underline that skill development can only be the competitive differentiator in fast transforming banking ecosystem amid rising expectations of stakeholders. Hence, harnessing Human Capital, ethics, and governance, highlighting nuances of how to strengthen governance by inculcating sustained organizational culture could be the right recipe for managing operational risks in the future. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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