Mission net zero: A plausible reality or a distant dream?



With the world racing fast towards the climate cliff, achieving “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050, a vision enshrined in the Paris Agreement, has become the rallying cry for galvanizing the climate action agendas worldwide. However, humanity’s climate conundrum as a factor, however existential, regrettably, does not exist outside the socio-economic and political equations that influence everything else. Considering our unrelenting dependence on fossil fuels, does this appear overly ambitious to the extent of being an illusion? In fact, S&P reports that fossil fuels currently continue to meet 80% of the world’s energy demands despite the record growth of renewable energy adoption in the wake of the pandemic. 

Therefore, at a time characterized by discord and disruption, can we truly develop the technologies, infrastructure, and, more importantly, the political will within less than three decades to completely overhaul long-entrenched systems and reach carbon neutrality?

In theory, the math seems uncomplicated. The University of The Oxford Net Zero community defines it as a state in which the greenhouse gasses (GHG) going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal from the atmosphere. It envisions that as economies optimize their GHG emission intensity through the adoption of green technologies and enlightened policy-making, the residual emissions would be balanced through absorption from the atmosphere via natural carbon sinks like forests, oceans, and artificial carbon sequestration measures. However, the path to materialize this is complex and riddled with uncertainty. Because even in this critical hour, consensus remains elusive and notoriously hard to achieve. For instance, at COP28 this December in Dubai, as at least 80 countries demanded agreements on an eventual phaseout of fossil fuel and ambitious actions to avert the worst impacts of climate extremes, OPEC urged its member states to reject any such deals, revealing deep fault lines originating within the global policy landscape. 

However, the challenges here are more structural than conflict of opinion and economic interests. The first key challenge is scaling renewables fast enough to rapidly supplant coal, oil, and gas energy generation while still meeting escalating power needs. UNSDG, in this study, observes that currently, 675 million people worldwide continue to live without electricity, and projection indicates that despite best efforts, the situation will not improve for at least 660 million by the end of this decade, with 1.9 billion living with clean cooking fuel. It urges that besides going green, the global energy system must uphold access and affordability for all. Therefore, the adoption and installed capacity of renewable energy sources like solar and wind must proliferate to achieve an economy of scale. 

Notably, while ventures into green hydrogen, next-gen nuclear energy, bioenergy, geothermal, tidal, and solar geoengineering showcase innovation, they are still prohibitively expensive and constrained by long development horizons. However, affirmative policy action can make a lot of difference. A test case is India, which has witnessed the steepest decline globally in solar energy project installation costs over the last decade owing to optimization of operational and maintenance overheads, component costs and simplified availability of debt financing. Consequently, at Rs2/kWh today, India’s average solar power tariff is way below the average price of electricity generated by thermal power plants. 

But while adopting renewable energy addresses a part of the net-zero emission question, there are other dimensions to it, with some more challenging than the rest to handle. Today, hard-to-abate sectors like aviation, shipping, manufacturing, and agriculture require revolutionary tech breakthroughs and infrastructure overhauls to deliver on the non-energy-related aspects of emission reduction. For instance, cement. With no commercially viable low-carbon alternative, the world still lacks the technology to decarbonize one of the most critical building materials. Notably, besides its energy-intensive manufacturing, carbon is also emitted during clinker production, a cement component as limestone is converted to lime. Also, the global livestock sector remains one of the prominent emission hotspots and a source of GHGs like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Here, applying creative accounting measures at the industry level, like carbon offsets, only breed complacency and foster an illusion of change instead of encouraging tangible emissions cuts. 

Nonetheless, the most substantial headwind facing the net-zero-emission agenda today is the political inertia and the plague of climate denial that threatens to stymie and even undo decades of climate progress. While most nations are lagging on policies and investments required to catalyze energy transitions within the shrinking carbon budgets science dictates, a more sinister plot is revealed by the massive disinformation campaign unleashed coinciding with the climate conference in Dubai. Notably, in recent times, as per this study, hashtags like #climatescam have raked in more likes and retweets on X than #climatecrisis or #climateemergency. Also, short election cycles encourage politicians to play to the carbon lobby and greenlight emissions-intensive projects, ignoring long-term repercussions to secure quick wins. Now, the fact that a known climate skeptic is allowed to run for the top political office in the US in 2024 leaves little to the imagination about the bumpy ride that awaits the net-zero emissions  agenda in the days ahead. 

Does this imply achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century is a pipe dream? Not entirely – because the cost of inaction on the climate front is unacceptably high and unbiasedly applies to all sides, regardless of their ideological standings. It’s heartening that the truth is not entirely lost and a silver lining exists among persisting challenges. For instance, in 2022, the International Development Finance Club reported a record 29% growth in total green finance commitment by its members over the previous year. Also, as nations worldwide embrace ambitious emission reduction targets, global corporations are not far behind, with forums like Climate Pledge aspiring to reach net-zero emissions by 2040 through multilateral actions, cross-sector collaboration, and positive change. 

Net-zero emissions look achievable at the intersection of unprecedented innovation, political courage, and public-private sector collaboration, prioritizing long-term climate risks over myopic gains. For all carbon pledges to move beyond lofty rhetoric, nations and businesses must set measurable roadmaps, match ambition with policy, and strictly monitor arriving at net-zero emissions by 2050. It will undoubtedly stretch capacities and resources beyond imagination. But accepting anything less condemns humanity to a dangerously overheated world where widening climate fallouts ravage lives and economies, pushing its generational legacy over the cliff. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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