Mercury Level Rises In The Capital City- Know Skincare Tips To Beat The Delhi Heat



It’s time to sip some lemonade, indulge in the delectable taste of ice cream, and splash into the water parks—summer is here! While you swap your woollens with those light and breezy cottons and linens, don’t forget to change your skincare regime too. The soaring temperature and sweltering heat can wreak havoc on your skin, leading to increased oil production and sebum. This in turn causes acne, blackheads, spots, and blemishes. Besides, extreme exposure to UV rays can lead to sun damage and cause premature ageing. 

All these can be scary, but fret not! We have some easy-to-follow tips shared by Nandita Sharma, Founder & CEO of Ame Organic that will keep your skin fresh and glowy this summer. 

Skincare Tips For Summer:

  1. Invest in good sunscreen: On those high temperature days and balmy evenings, it is certainly not a good idea to face the sun without a sunblock. Sunscreen must be a part of our skincare regime in every season. Applying sunscreen shields you from harmful ultraviolet rays that can lead to skin damage and premature aging. 
  2. Calculate your SPF: We can’t stress this enough, sunscreen is non-negotiable. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every single day, even when it’s cloudy. Reapply every two hours, or more frequently if you’re swimming or sweating excessively.
  3. Don’t forget your moisturiser: It is time you swap your heavy cream-based moisturiser for a lighter or gel-based moisturiser. By using lightweight moisturisers, you can avoid a greasy and sticky look on your skin. It provides protection and nourishment for the skin. Moisturisers infused with ingredients such as tea tree and lemon can be beneficial for oily skin.
  4. Exfoliate your skin: Heat and humidity can clog pores and leave skin looking dull. Use a gentle scrub or chemical exfoliant 1-2 times per week to remove dead cells for fresh and radiant skin.
  5. Skip heavy makeup: Allowing your skin to breathe is crucial in the summer’s heat and humidity. Heavy foundations and powders can clog pores and prevent natural oil excretion. Go makeup-free when possible, or opt for lightweight makeup. It is advisable to use non-comedogenic products, as make-up can lead to breakouts, pimples, and pigmentation. You can also pick a gentle cleaner that is fragrance-free and doesn’t have any harsh chemical ingredients.
  6. Invest in good face serum: Vitamin C serum can work wonders on your skin during the summer season. Between moisturiser and sunscreen, you can apply some Vitamin C to protect your skin from hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and blemishes. 
  7. Protect your eyes and lips: These delicate areas are vulnerable to sun damage. Always wear a protective lip balm with SPF and sunglasses with UV protection when exposing yourself to the sun.
  8. Eat Right and Stay Hydrated: When it’s hot outside, you sweat more, and the air conditioning too dehydrates your skin. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated from the inside. Also, use a moisturising lotion that has hyaluronic acid; it will deeply moisturise your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the summer months to nourish your skin from the inside. They are packed with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that are great for your skin. These healthy foods help build collagen, reduce inflammation, and protect your skin from sun damage.

Now that you know the importance of moisturisers during summer, here is how you can select the best one for your skin type as suggested by Dr. Meghna Mour, Aesthetic Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Trichologist, and Laser Specialist & Founder of Skuccii Supercliniq 

Moisturisers For Your Skin Type:

  • Oily and Acne-prone skin: For those with oily and acne-prone skin, opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser that will not clog pores yet still delivers ample hydration. Seek out ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin to combat excess oil while maintaining moisture balance.
  • Dry and flaky skin: If you struggle with dry, flaky skin, reach for a luxurious, creamy moisturiser enriched with nourishing components like shea butter or ceramides. These will restore lost moisture and establish a protective shield against environmental aggressors, leaving your skin velvety soft and supple.
  • Combination skin: For those with combination skin, strike the perfect equilibrium with a gel-based moisturiser that hydrates without feeling heavy or greasy. Ingredients like aloe vera or cucumber extract will calm and rejuvenate oily areas while providing essential hydration to dry patches.
  • Sensitive skin: And for those with sensitive skin, select a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizer formulated with gentle, soothing ingredients such as oatmeal or chamomile. This will alleviate irritation and redness while ensuring your skin remains comfortably moisturised.

Skincare Tips To Prevent Rashes During Summer

As the summer sun beats down, protecting your body from rashes becomes essential for maintaining healthy and comfortable skin. Here are some expert skincare tips to prevent rashes during the sweltering summer months as suggested by Dr. Pranil More, Director(Fusion Aesthetic Clinic), M.D. Physician(UKR), F.A.M. and Hair Transplant Surgeon

  • Choose Breathable Fabrics: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. These materials allow air to circulate around the skin, preventing heat and sweat buildup that can lead to rashes.
  • Cool Showers: Take cool showers to soothe overheated skin and rinse away sweat and bacteria. Avoid hot water, as it can strip the skin of its natural oils and exacerbate rashes. Pat your skin dry gently with a soft towel after showering.
  • Avoid Harsh Products: Be mindful of the skincare products you use during the summer months. Avoid harsh soaps, fragrances, and products containing alcohol, as they can irritate the skin and trigger rashes. Opt for gentle, hypoallergenic products instead.
  • Stay Indoors During Peak Hours: Limit your time outdoors during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 AM and 4 PM If you must be outside, seek shade, wear protective clothing, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen.
  • Keep Skin Dry: Excess sweat can exacerbate rashes and promote bacterial and fungal growth. Keep your skin dry by wearing moisture-wicking clothing and using absorbent powders in areas prone to sweating, such as the underarms and groin.

ALSO READ: Why Indian Skin Requires Unique Skincare Solutions. Know Skin And Hair Tips For The Changing Season


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