
To underline the observation that India is a rich country in which several hundred million live in abject poverty, Mumbai has overtaken Beijing to become the Asian city with the highest number of dollar billionaires.

The financial capital of the country is now home to 92 billionaires as compared with Beijing’s 91, its megabuck ranking all the more impressive in that its 600-sq-km size is much smaller than the Chinese city’s sprawl of 16,000 sq km. A veritable plenitude of plutocrats.

Overall, China has 814 billionaires compared with India’s tally of 271, but in the billionaire ranking Mumbai comes third after NYC (119) followed by London (97).

What makes Mumbai’s billionaire status particularly noteworthy – or note-worthy – is that it is set against the stark poverty in which much of the city, as well as the country, remains mired after more than 70 years of Independence.

While millions have been lifted above the poverty line, the monetary chasm between the haves-too-much and the haves-too-little has deepened and widened.

The mathematics of money has changed radically since my boyhood in Calcutta. In those far off days a lakh of rupees was considered a fortune and its possessor, a lakhpati, deemed to be a person of enviable substance.

The surname Naulakha advertised the status of the family like a public balance sheet displaying a nine-lakh entry on the credit side of the ledger.

No one spoke of crores, possibly because the mention of such an enormous entity, like the blood-curdling giant in folklore, might frighten small children.

Today, for the great and growing Indian middle class, a crore is peanuts, timepass. Kaun Banega Crorepatishould be renamed ‘Kaun Nahin Hai Crorepati’. The crore, which is 10 million, has been left at the starting post by the billion, which is a thousand million, or a hundred crore: One followed by nine zeroes.

And that’s just in rupee terms. The dollar billionaires of Mumbai and other parts of India need to multiply their billions by 83 to gauge their wealth in rupees.

Lakhpati? Change that to lackpati, denoting not affluence but lack of it.



This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.



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