Meds for all: Generics help lower Indian healthcare costs. But govts still need to intervene, smartly



The cost of treating sickle cell anemia in India is on the verge of crashing. Hydroxyurea, a line of treatment, will now cost less than 1% of current import price. This is on account of a domestic manufacturer announcing it will supply vials at the new price to govt.

Healthcare costs are a source of economic pressure on most Indian families. It’s led to govt intervention to improve access to medicines and provide insurance cover to cover emergencies.


Insurance’s limitations | GOI and states have been the largest combined buyers of group insurance. It’s an important safety net for vulnerable households. But its limitation is that it kicks in only in the case of hospitalisation. Medical expenses that don’t require hospitalisation put immense strain on household budgets.

Costly medicines | National Health Accounts estimates for 2019-20 showed that out-of-pocket expenses make up ₹47 for every ₹100 spent on total healthcare expenditure. This is a high burden on households, by global standards. Moreover, over half of OOPE is on account of medicines. Getting a grip on the price of medicines is the key to reducing pressure on household budgets.

Interventions aplenty | GOI intervenes in the market to keep a check on the price of essential medicines. It has a list of 388 medicines, including stents, where it fixes the maximum price to ensure affordability. Efficacy of govt intervention depends on strategy. Mere price caps don’t guarantee accessibility.

Lessons from states | States in India play a critical role in healthcare. In terms of current health expenditure in 2019-20, state govts contributed 20%. After individual households, it’s states that spent the most on health.

Big buyer’s impact | Some states have tried to use scale as a way to procure essential medicines at a low cost. An effective example is TN’s decision to set up a public corporation in 1995 to procure medicines while retaining quality control. Distribution is decentralised. The basics of this model have been replicated with promising results in terms of access and affordability.

This approach is also useful to treat neglected areas such as snake bite fatalities where the low economic power of most victims doesn’t add up to adequate demand for investment. Pooled demand, backed by offtake, will boost domestic industry and save lives.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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