Managing risks in shifting interest rate curve 



The major central banks are unanimous on whether to begin cutting policy rates sometime in 2024. US Federal Reserve talks of 3 rate cuts in 2024 bringing down policy rates from the current level of 5.25 – 5.50. The Bank of England and ECB are in sync with the move to cut rates during the current year marking the end of the dear money policy and the completion of one full cycle of the interest rate curve – fall, rise, stable at an elevated level, and then descent. In navigating through this interest rate cycle, banks had to grapple with multiple risks, the most prominent are liquidity risks and interest rate risks.  

After experiencing high inflation due to the ‘easy money policy’ pursued during the pandemic times, the fight against inflation began in early 2022 by raising policy rates and tightening liquidity conditions marking the beginning of the ‘dear money policy’ 

The transmission of monetary policy measures began to douse inflation though they are yet to reach their targeted levels. In the trade-off between growth and inflation control, the latter was prioritized. 

When the inflation in major economies draws closer to their targets, the shift in the interest rate curve in the present cycle will lead to calibrated rate cuts. Thus, the collateral risks of the transition from easy money to dear money can elevate risks and pose new forms of risk for banks. 

  • Risks in the transitory interest rate curve: 

Interest rate hikes and absorption of excess liquidity by central banks exposed banks to immense risks due to the rise in bond yields and lower lending and deposit interest rates. During the pandemic period when interest rates were low, banks received relatively more deposits at low interest rates without a corresponding demand for credit by the industry. 

When unable to lend, banks had to invest these funds in the securities market at low rates. According to RBI data, the bank deposit growth during FY20-21 was 11.9 percent, and 10.1 percent during FY 21-22. The credit growth was subdued at 5.4 percent and 9.6 percent during the same period indicating that the resource flows were higher than the demand for credit. 

Going forward, banks will be exposed to different kinds of risks when the interest rate curve shifts from upside to downside and vice versa. 

In the process of fighting the risks of Covid, banks had to encounter huge ‘liquidity risks’ when interest rates fell to a low with the repo rate down to 4 percent along with the operationalization of various liquidity windows by RBI to tide over the crisis in different sectors of the economy.  Banks were engaged in finding ways to deploy excess liquidity inflows during low-interest rate regimes. 

  • Elevated Liquidity risks 

It can be recalled that one of the key reasons for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the US in March 2023 and its collateral damage to the financial sector was due to excess liquidity at one point in time and scarcity of it at a later point in time. When interest rates were low, there was a deluge of liquidity posing ‘liquidity risks’ in deploying them. When rates started rising, yields on bonds went down reducing yields on investments. 

When interest rates started moving up, the depositors of SVB began to withdraw deposits. To repay deposits demanded by customers, SVB had to sell the investment portfolio at a loss. Ultimately, SVB could not manage the liquidity risks and had to close down. The toxicity of the liquidity risks could be better understood from the case study of SVB collapse. 

In the same way, now the major central banks will be beginning to cut rates calibrating cuts suiting their macroeconomic conditions. Though inflation in major economies is yet to reach their targeted level of 2 percent, even then it seems certain that rate cuts will begin during the second half of 2024. The US Federal Reserve announced a rate cut by 75 basis points in three spells in 2024. Many other central banks are expected to follow the trend. 

When interest rates fall, the loans linked to repo rates will get repriced and become cheaper for borrowers while it will take time for the liabilities–term deposits of customers to get repriced leading to increased interest rate risks. There is no option to charge interest rates on retail and other loans linked to repo rates and hence, banks will use repricing of loans not linked to repo rates to manage interest rate risks. At the same time, banks will be increasingly facing liquidity risks too as demand for credit will grow while the deposit growth may not keep pace with it. FEs will have to explore other sources to mobilize resources. 

Drawing comfort from the resilient and strong domestic economy, RBI can steadily focus on reaching inflation of 4 percent – the midpoint of the glide path of inflation set under a flexible inflation targeting (FIT) framework on a durable basis. However it is likely to take time due to lingering geopolitical risks and external sector uncertainties. If the US Federal Reserve and other central banks of advanced economies cut rates, RBI may not be able to stay away from cutting rates for a longer time. When interest rates start falling, the yields on bonds will firm up exerting pressure on the outflow of foreign institutional investments. 

The shift towards a diminishing interest rate curve could pose exchange rate risks if the forex reserves start depleting.  In an interconnected global financial system, monetary policy actions are synchronized and well-coordinated. 

Hence, during the next monetary policy in April 2024, RBI may maintain the status quo on interest rates but can change the monetary policy stance from ‘Accommodative’ to ‘Neutral’ paving the way for rate cuts in the future. Given the impending tectonic shift in interest rates from ‘Status quo’ to ‘repo rate cuts’ banks will have to work out strategies to manage liquidity risks. 

Induced by lower cost of borrowings and heightening economic activities, the demand for credit will increase while deposit growth may not keep pace. When the repo rate goes down, the interest on repo rate-linked loans will fall while the term deposit rates will continue until maturity posing interest rate risks. In the near term, banks will have to manage liquidity and interest rate risks simultaneously. The shape, size, and forms of risks will get exacerbated in the transitory phase and need to be managed with added alacrity. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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