Maldives take-away: Driving a wedge between India and the archipelago nation is part of Beijing’s game plan



Jug Suraiya

A former associate editor with the Times of India, Jug Suraiya writes two regular columns for the print edition, Jugular Vein, which appears every Friday, and Second Opinion,

Two Chinese Comrades exulting over the hullabaloo in India over Maldives.
1st Comrade: Comrade General Secretary Xi’s Maldives strategy is working wonderfully.
2nd Comrade: It sure is. Even better than Comrade General Secretary Xi expected it to.
1st Comrade: First we got those three stooges in Maldives government to say less than flattering things about the Indian PM, to get a reaction.
2nd Comrade: And what a reaction we got! Better than anything than Comrade General Secretary Xi could have hoped for.
1st Comrade: Indians are outraged at this slight to their leader, and by extension to their entire nation, and have cancelled their planned trips to Maldives, right, left and centre.
2nd Comrade: And thanks to celebs like movie stars and famous cricketers leading the CANCEL MALDIVE MORCHA boycotting Maldives has gone viral. Even those who have absolutely no intention of ever going to Maldives, and don’t even have passports with which to travel out of the country, are cancelling their imaginary trips and loudly proclaiming that they would never, ever, head Maldiveswards.

1st Comrade: Adding fuel to the fire of patriotic pride, travel organisations are taking out ads in newspapers declaring that they aren’t accepting any bookings for Maldives because patriotism is a bigger juju than profit.
2nd Comrade: Anyone who doesn’t say loudly and clearly that they haven’t put Maldives on their AVOID AT ALL COSTS agenda are, by default, identifying themselves as crypto-subversives and anti-national elements.
1st Comrade: Which suits Comrade General Secretary Xi’s game plan perfectly.
2nd Comrade: Exactly. Because Indian tourism is the mainstay of Maldivian economy, and with Indian tourists avoiding the place like the plague, Indian patriots have in effect served up Maldives to us and ourtourists on a silver platter.
1st Comrade: Just so. It’s what you might call the biggest Chinese take-away ever…



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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