Maldives: Can India afford to lose this strategic space



(India’s Worry Gets Heightened with China Getting Ready to Occupy Yet Another Naval Base Right under its Nose which Can Facilitate a Sea Invasion into India in spite of Alliances with other countries. It enables to strengthen the Chinese ‘String of Pearls’ Military Maneuver by creating a middle link at Maldives to the outstretched Chinese posts at Hambantota at Sri Lanka and Gwadar in Pakistan)

Fig1. Green Shade Shows India’s EEZ. Bracket shows PLA’s Growing Presence Marked in Red Stars showing PLA Navy. Red arrow is indicating towards Gwadar port in Pakistan.

Source: Map Wikipedia. Annotations carried out by the author.

Among the Indian Ocean regional islands, Sri Lanka and Maldives are the two vital immediate maritime neighbours. With Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port already being under Chinese possession leaves Maldives as the only single key strategic point guarding India’s South-Western flank of the oceanic threat to the mainland.  In fact, Maldives will soon fulfil a link naval base between the Gwadar and the Chinese Hambantota Naval bases, which are the two points in the Indian Ocean as part of the ‘String of Pearls’ Chinese Strategy. Maldives thus becomes a Vital Island for India’s defence. Here any deployment by “People’s Liberation Army Navy” (PLAN) will threaten India’s western and southern shores. It is learnt that the ‘PLAN’ has already conducted submarine deployments in the Indian Ocean and with the arrival of the new research ship will allow faster collection of more technical data for sub-surface operations. This will enable them to dominate this western sub-sector of the Indian ocean. The Maldivian link will operate in conjunction with naval deployments ex-Gwadar and ex-Karachi both at the surface and the sub-surface level with submarines They will attempt to encircle and squeeze Indian Naval operations around the ‘Sea Lanes of Communication’(SLOC) which are actually the soft under belly of Chinese Military Power. ‘PLAN’ modus operandi and the dynamics of the ‘Indian Ocean Region’ (IOR) can be understood better after having a glimpse of the larger strategy of the PLA.

Fig 2: SLOC shown by red arrows. Blue arrows show the routes for patrolling. Maldives is Located on this SLOC.

Source: Wikipedia and markings by author

A belligerent China in this decade has militarised the ‘IOR’ and there is an ongoing race for military bases. Protection of the ‘SLOC’ requires military outposts/bases. Over 80 percent of Chinese crude oil imports transit the Straits of Malacca making it vulnerable to a blockade. While SLOCs in the vicinity of the Maldives have broader strategic significance for global maritime trade, these are of vital importance for India too since nearly 50 per cent of India’s external trade and 80 per cent of her energy imports also transit through these westward SLOCs in the Arabian Sea. In the overall Net-assessment, this has always been to India’s advantage as a counter to Chinese land aggressions and India has always been considered a ‘Net Security’ provider in this sub-region. Correspondingly, China’s ‘String of Pearls’  Strategy has been weaved to create military outposts all around such routes starting from the South China sea towards the Indian Ocean. This strategy is a direct threat to India’s national security, as it would encircle India and threaten its power projection, trade, and potentially territorial integrity .Thus the importance of Maldives, which will become a central link to the Chinese ‘String of Pearls’ strategy affecting the security of its western shores. The Chinese port at Hambantota already allows massive naval deployments. Gwadar is again built up to a level, where it can take a ‘PLAN’ fleet, allowing naval domination in combination with Pakistani naval forces ex Karachi and Gwadar and the ‘PLAN’ fleet base at Maldives. During conflict PLAAN will get deployed. (See Figure 3 below.).                                                           Figure 3: Red arrows and circle show ‘PLAN’ deployments to squeeze Indian Naval forces. 

India’s Counter to Chinese strategy

On the other hand, to counter this Chinese encircling strategy, India has crafted a “necklace of diamonds” strategy involving multiple initiatives to ensure domination of the IOR, especially near the Indian shores like building ports and establishing Coastal Surveillance Radar (CSR) systems to track Chinese Warships and Submarines. Under the ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue’ (QUAD), India is already building smoother logistics chain and importing state of the art surveillance planes which can track down Chinese submarines. Part funding through the Indo-Pacific Deterrence initiative of $ 6 billion for the year 2023 should be used for financing Maldives debt to China of about USD 1.3 billion, so that Maldives can be taken out of China’s debt trap mechanism and this will assist the Indo-Pacific theatre defence posturing. The planning for ‘AUKUS’ deployment in the ‘IOR’ should also be operationalized as a last recourse to counter PLAN’s operations in the Indo-Pacific theatre.

SLOCs is China’s Underbelly

. While China has made efforts to supplement its ocean supply line with overland alternatives in recent years, a substantial amount of its crude oil and natural gas supplies still need to travel from Africa and the Middle East through the Indian Ocean, including the chokepoint of the Malacca Strait, which connects the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea between Indonesia and Malaysia.

These ‘SLOC’ can be categorised as the underbelly of China’s strategic interests, simply because if a war in Taiwan erupts or if there is a war against India in the Himalayas, then given that the Indian Ocean is located quite a distance from the Chinese shores it’s easy to disrupt the Chinese energy security supply in the Indian Ocean, and then all long-term warmaking ability might grind to a stop. Simultaneously, China has tried to build a ‘CPEC’ from Lhasa to Gwadar at Karachi to offset the Malacca dilemma and any SLOC blockages in the IOR. 

In finality, India has to counter the Chinese occupation of Maldives at any cost.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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