
Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar was trained as a Mechanical Engineer with specialization in thermal engineering from the University of Roorkee (now Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee) where h

One of the oldest democracies in the world has again set an example for other democracies: by appointing a cabinet minister with an ‘unofficial’ title of “Minister for Common sense”! If it makes little sense to you, be wary of being counted among – no, not among nonsensicals – but among a growing tribe of humankind trying to make a logical sense of happenings around. Didn’t get the drift? Well, official help is at hand, unofficially of course. Apparently, the said minister’s mandate is to tackle woke issues or wokeism. But what exactly is meant by this term woke, which is gaining fast notoriety? Originally denoting a broad awareness about racial and social inequities, it has taken a negative hue; to be used to describe anything deemed too liberal or progressive. And the degree of liberalism or progressiveness depends on your leaning: right, extreme right, left, extreme left, or maybe, left of right. Several people of my generation, senior citizens, i.e., will recall how we were encouraged to think broadly and be progressive in our actions; whether that was liberalism, well that was a matter for intellectuals to debate. But not anymore, the mantra is to stick to your roots. Never mind if you don’t know your roots because social media – and now even a minister – are there for deliverance.

But it seems that wokeism is also closely linked with one’s dietary preferences. Sounds too stretched? Again we have to go back to this same one of the oldest democracies where another of its ministers alluded to the protesting class as ‘tofu-eating wokerati’ and anti-growth coalition. Now, here I must confess that I am in a grey area on this count. Though I don’t like tofu, as a vegetarian in the northern part of the country, I cannot help but to have an affinity for paneer or cottage cheese. Does that classify me as woke even though all sort of conservatism is built in my DNA? Now, does it start making sense to have a minister for common sense to provide an official classification? Maybe even some sort of non-woke reservation? After all, only a greater sense of purpose can catalyse one to think beyond ‘Business Process Outsourcing’ and ‘Knowledge Process Outsourcing’ and conceptualise a full-fledged ‘Refugee Relocation Outsourcing’ to a third country. But with such progressive thoughts why would one like to be called as conservative? Doesn’t make any sense. Well, that’s why it’s now governments’ unofficial job to help drive common sense among those getting wayward toward wokeism.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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