Mainstreaming the marginalized in India: Reimaging impact funding



The Covid-19 pandemic had not only caused grave human costs, but has also been a wake-up call for those who care to sit up and take notice. It had laid bare the dystopian landscape underlying the sheen of robust economic growth and cultural progress. Indeed, every community worldwide had to bear its brunt, but those underprepared, unheard and underfunded were less favourably disposed. No wonder when the tragedy struck, its impact across the Global South was disproportionate and far-reaching.

A desperate call to preserve sustainable progress

For more than 25 years, extreme poverty across the continents has been on a steady state of decline. It had been an uphill battle for generations of activists, administrators and enlightened politicians. However, the quest to end poverty suffered its worst setback due to the recent pandemic. The World Bank estimates that the successive waves of Covid-19 can push an additional 150 million citizens under the poverty line by as early as late 2021.

So how is the situation unfolding for India, one of the five countries harbouring half of the 736 million people living in extreme poverty worldwide? A severe crisis was unleashed by the pandemic in the subcontinent which indicates that despite our geopolitical and economic progress, we have been out manoeuvred. This has been mainly due to our failure to drive inclusive development that can ensure the security and sustenance of all, even for India’s forgotten millions. And unfortunately, this has been the scenario across the globe; a fact that has been aptly demonstrated by Oxfam’s Inequality Virus Report, published at the World Economic Forum in Jan 2021. But back to India; there has been a drop of 8.7% in our per capita GDP in 2020-21. However, the study found that the wealth of Indian billionaires went up by 35% amidst the lockdown! This dichotomy has perhaps been at the root of India’s undoing, as a social construct, if not as an economy.

Impact funding: A key to a sustainable future

As the developing world watches with rapt attention expecting a befitting response from a country that has championed its cause at the global arena for more than seven decades, there seems to be hope. The country’s social impact programs that were traditionally driven as philanthropic initiatives, are slowly transitioning to far more organized, data and tech centric approaches. We are seeing more need for clear indications of outcomes and impact, while creating sustainability and leveraging financial innovations such as impact investing to bridge the widening funding gap. Worldwide the growth of Impact Investing has been robust, with IFC reporting that 72% of investors plan to maintain or increase the volume of capital dedicated to impact investing, despite the pandemic. This sentiment has indeed reached our shores, where the Indian Development Review found impact investors continuing to pledge support to solve critical social and environmental challenges leveraging scalable investments. The outcomes of such persistence are heartening. For instance, Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation (GMC) became India’s first local administrative body to raise ₹150 crores to fund a tertiary sewage treatment plant for producing drinking water. The initiative’s success has reportedly inspired the leadership across other cities like Kanpur, Agra and Varanasi.

But what makes an accelerated mainstreaming of impact funding even more critical in the Indian context? In 2019 the UNDP Global Multidimensional Poverty Index hailed India’s efforts acknowledging that it lifted 271 million citizens out of extreme poverty within a decade from 2006 to 2016. But here, there was a caveat, juxtaposing the achievement against a sharp rise in poverty in India in 2020. It’s a reminder that the progress risks to set on a free fall unless bolstered with resources and policy actions to guide them. Also, in late 2019, Standard Chartered estimated a $2.64 trillion investment gap to meet India’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), a divergence that the pandemic had only widened. We are too pressed for time and leverage to depend solely on public finance and CSR funding to orchestrate the dual objectives of setting the country on a solid economic growth trajectory and spur sustainable development to maximize collective capital.

Reimagining profitability

Impact funding is based on an influential school of thought that seeks to couple financial materiality with the human and environmental cost of growth. While the imperative for profitability remains, impact investors looking for greater socio-environmental accountability of their funds also want benefits to percolate to the community grassroots and positively affect the environment and the quality of living. This method brings into the equation purpose-driven investments and intent for financial resources to push for transformative and measurable changes. It brings investors, the government and business on the same page, bound by their singular commitment towards the environment and human values. Considering the Indian context and how fast disruption can trip the balance, leaving its teeming millions vulnerable is a huge risk. Impact funding with measurable socio-environmental outcomes seems to be the most practical vehicle to complement public finance or CSR funding in propelling the country’s growth.

The way forward

Unlike mere philanthropy, impact funding is replete with possibilities. In fact it can meet India’s sustainable development investment gap by creating economic opportunities to a tune of $ 1.12 trillion. It includes $ 701.5 billion for clean energy, $ 226.5 billion for digital access, $ 176.9 billion for transport infrastructure, and $ 19.2 billion for clean water and sanitation. However, to unlock its full potential, India’s Impact funding landscape needs transformative policy thrusts and greater collaboration across the sectoral continuum.

Today India’s legislature and executives are under an imperative to facilitate the free flow of capital. This could be from investors, both domestic and global, to the epicentres of opportunities where they can have maximum impact and profitability not only for themselves, but the countries teeming millions who still live below the poverty line. Impact investment which calls for quantifiable metrics of achievement, use of tech and data will ensure transparency in reporting as well as equity in distribution of benefits. For instance, the high cost of borrowing for green bonds and a considerable information asymmetry due to a centralized and reliable system for tracking climate finance, as observed by the RBI Bulletin, January 2021, can be priority policy action areas. But simultaneously, as impact funding gets gradually mainstreamed, India will have to equip herself with the necessary regulatory safeguards to prevent instances of greenwashing. It will also ensure these efforts are reinforced through sustainable and meaningful community initiaitives, that do not just solve problems, but address the root-cause of the issue.

Creating real and sustainable transformation

Considering that the UNSDGs are already in their last decade and the country of 1.36 billion can be on veritable inclusive developmental downslide, there needs to be an immediate consensus across sectors for the influx of impact funds into India’s economic systems. And this needs to be for society in addition to climate action. Impact investing can add momentum for growth, especially among struggling social enterprises, create capital that can be reinvested for development, promote collective action that prioritizes efficient utilization of limited funds and change the philanthropic landscape in the country, ensuring lasting change. But most importantly, it can have a cumulative positive impact on a series of national priority areas, allowing India to deliver sustainably on its democratic ideals and ethos of a welfare state.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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