Magical realism – Where the mundane meets the extraordinary!



In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often overlook the subtle enchantments that surround us. Magical realism is a literary and artistic genre that blends the ordinary with the extraordinary, which isn’t confined to the pages of a novel or the frames of a painting. It exists right under our noses, waiting to be noticed. It’s all about paying attention and clubbing it with imagination. It also holds an element of gratitude when we acknowledge the divine within the conscience. It’s too deep at times and too obvious at other times, to notice the wonderful and out-of-the-ordinary moment. There is no end to such remarkable unfolding’s. Nothing and no one can restrict it except ourselves.

Magical realism is often associated with the works of authors like Gabriel García Márquez, who masterfully weave fantastical elements into everyday life. However, this genre isn’t limited to fiction. It’s a lens through which we can view our reality, allowing us to perceive the magic within the ordinary.

Consider a foggy morning when you can barely see the buildings across the street. In a magical world, this is not just weather; it’s a moment when the veil between our world and the ethereal is thin; when ghosts and otherworldly creatures may be hidden in the mist. Magical realism invites us to see the potential for the extraordinary within the mundane.


Magical realism often hinges on the idea that belief can transform the ordinary into something amazing. Our beliefs shape our reality, and when we open ourselves to the possibility of magic, the world can indeed become a more enchanting place.

The art of storytelling is a perfect example of this concept. Through stories, we create new worlds and breathe life into characters and events. The mundane act of reading a book or listening to a story becomes a journey into out-of-box thinking and living, as we suspend our disbelief and embrace the magical realism contained in the pages.

Like the law of attraction reinforces the concept of becoming the magnet for your desires, similarly to witness a magical moment we need to embrace openness and vulnerability. The more restricted our approach will be, the less we will experience such exceptional moments or encounters. Don’t hold tightly to anything, as it becomes too suffocating to breathe life into it. Stay as light as a firefly, which gives you the wings of flexibility and adaptability into new realms of being. 

Dreams are a prime playground for magical realism. In our dreams, we often experience the most fantastical events and scenarios, only to awaken to the routine life. However, the boundary between dreams and reality is not always as clear as it seems. Have you ever experienced déjà vu, that eerie feeling that you’ve lived a moment before? In the realm of magical realism, this might be a glimpse into an alternate reality or a portal into another dimension. Our everyday lives, filled with familiar routines and predictable outcomes, may also hold the potential for the extraordinary.

Magical realism also invites us to appreciate the beauty of imperfection. In a world that celebrates perfection and symmetry, the magical realist sees the remarkable in the quirky, the irregular, and the flawed. The concept of wabi-sabi in Japanese aesthetics, which celebrates the beauty of the imperfect and the impermanent is an example. A cracked teacup, a gnarled tree, or a weathered stone can hold a deep sense of beauty precisely because they embody the imperfections of existence. In this, magical realism helps us appreciate the everyday in all its unique, imperfect glory.

Nature is an abundant source of magical realism. The growth of a seed into a towering tree, the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, and the rhythm of the tides are all acts of magic that occur every day. Yet, they often pass by unnoticed. Magical realism prompts us to see the beauty in the ordinary processes of nature. It encourages us to rekindle our sense of wonder for the world around us, to view the world with fresh eyes, and to appreciate the daily enchantments that nature provides.

In the enchanting realm of magical realism, our mundane lives are transformed into unique tales. This genre, which has captivated the imaginations of artists and authors for centuries, reminds us to see the world with a sense of wonder. It encourages us to believe in the unbelievable and uncanny hidden in the everyday, to embrace imperfection, and to find magic in the most ordinary of experiences.

So, the next time you’re sipping a cup of coffee/tea, walking through the mist, or staring at a gnarled tree, remember that the ordinary is often far from mundane. In these moments, the veil between the ordinary and the extraordinary is at its thinnest, inviting you to glimpse the magic that surrounds you every day. Don’t let a stupendous moment pass you by merely because of ignorance. In the world of magical realism, the mundane is truly where the extraordinary resides.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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