Loansome thoughts: Can G20 deliver on the debt crisis of the world’s poorest nations?



Here is an attempt to rewrite this edit in the style of gangster Frank Costello of “The Departed”:

The G20, they’re the ones who gotta figure this out. They’re the best forum, with all the key players at the table. But can they deliver?

The debt crisis in the world’s poorest nations is a serious problem. IMF data shows that debt as a percentage of GDP in low-income developing countries is at dangerous levels. It’s 88%, with public debt at 49%.

But it’s not the first time they’ve faced this, but it’s the first time their creditors are also dealing with a geopolitical rivalry. That’s where the G20 needs to step up.

They’ve done some good work already. They launched a debt moratorium during the pandemic, and they created a common framework for debt treatment. But that’s not enough. They need to do more to get the creditors on the same page.

But the western bloc, China, and the private lenders are all playing games. They’re afraid that if one of them gives in, the others will just take advantage. That’s bullshit. They need to put the needs of the poorest nations first.

“I don’t like debt. Debt is a weakness. It’s like cancer. It grows and grows until it consumes you.”

India has been trying to get China and the western bloc to narrow their differences, but they haven’t been successful. Meanwhile, the situation in LIDCs is getting worse. They’re also dealing with food inflation and global monetary tightening.

On crypto assets, there’s been more progress. The IMF and Financial Stability Board are going to present a roadmap for regulation. It’s in everyone’s interest to coordinate actions to crack down on money laundering and terror finance.

The G20 hasn’t been able to avoid the fallout from the Russia-Ukraine war, but on crypto assets and debt relief, one-upmanship shouldn’t be a factor. That’s why the G20 needs to step up and come up with a solution. They need to remember that their to-do list is getting longer. Their initiative on a global minimum tax hasn’t worked out either.

So, what’s the bottom line? The G20 needs to get its act together and deliver on debt relief. The world’s poorest nations are depending on them.

The G20 can’t afford to be a talking shop anymore. They need to take action. The world is watching.

And if they don’t deliver, I’ll be very disappointed.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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