Life has no barricades (not everything you think is true)- Part 1



If we perform a self-frisking, we will definitely detect the most impermissible and prohibited items that we carry with us are “intrusive thoughts” which have a firm hold on our minds. The wrong thoughts are more scary than the actual suffering. It hits you like the enemy you have been cultivating within your own home and regardless of whether you are travelling, attending an event, or hanging out with friends. If you sit silently at least for 10/15 minutes you will observe how thoughts appear in your mind and passes so quickly. There are a wide variety of negative thoughts that invade our minds and make life intolerable. 

Well, you must be thinking why I am saying all these?

Okay, I have said it earlier that I am not the founder/CEO of life, or not the brand ambassador too. I am neither a life coach nor a modern monk. I am just like all others who is on the way to life and strive to “have my cup of tea with life and sometimes also coffee“. But, most of the time, I love to have ginger tea with life as it works wonder for headaches. So you can consider me as a lifelong learner who has encountered all these. The main purpose behind writing this piece is just to connect with the people who fall prey of over thinking or the victims of wrong thoughts. I genuinely want to assist those who suffer a lot due to intrusive and wild thoughts. Thoughts can be hurtful, distressing, or frightening. Additionally, you might experience anxiety-provoking and insecure thoughts. If we pay close attention, we will see that some thoughts have a past or history. If you have ever suffered any bitterness, tragedy, losses, or insecurities, those feelings will stay with you being the negative thoughts. These types of bitter thoughts grow faster in your mind by handicapping all the positive and good thoughts and try to destroy the positive aura in you.

So always keep in mind that these thoughts are nothing more than products of your own mind. Simply because you have had terrible encounters in the past, they have turned into incorrect and unfavourable thoughts. You cannot live in peace if you carry these thoughts within you. You’ll begin to believe that the present and the future will both proceed negatively. Even if you make an effort to think positively and envision a promising future, mind like a devil will use those negative thoughts to squelch and obscure them. As it continues, a strong negative mental habit emerges. 

Just check your thoughts

Don’t believe everything you think, because it may not be true…

Your thoughts are just made-up ideas that don’t necessarily reflect the truth. I’ve personally felt that these types of intrusive thoughts deceive you. Imagine you are in the kitchen making something delicious when all of a sudden a bad thought enters your mind and ruining the moment. It might also happen while you are praying or while you are sitting peacefully and enjoying your coffee. This however, can be unfavourable thoughts about you or the people you care about. These thoughts include things like: I’ll get into an accident right now; I might die; my friend might become sick; what if I develop a terrible illness; or it can be some unpleasant incidents of the past. So it’s the wicked nature of your mind to trap you in a negative thought pattern. 

  • So don’t give those evil thoughts any credence.
  • Simply ignore them and bid them farewell.
  • Change your focus as quickly as you can.
  • Start engaging in activities that you genuinely enjoy.
  • Take action on the things that make you happy.
  • Simply keep on praying and do meditation.

You will gradually see changes if you begin to resist those negative thoughts by making it a habit. First of all, it won’t impact you any longer. Even if you get bad thoughts, they won’t affect you in any way. No longer can it make you unhappy, sad and stressed. Then you will notice that you have begun to control those unwanted thoughts. However, some thoughts come to mind instantly and some others are recurring thoughts. So, train and equip yourself to let go of such thoughts that cause suffering. Teach your mind that these negative thoughts are so powerless without my attention and reactions. They are fake and fabricated thoughts. Just let them pass by and don’t take them seriously. Let them enter and exit your mind. You simply laugh them off. Avoid believing those thoughts, because believing those fake thoughts leads to suffering. If you start ignoring those intrusive, annoying thoughts, they will gradually begin to lose their strength and vigour.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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