Let’s Talk Sex | The Hidden Link Between Colours and Your Sex Life – News18



Researchers found colours can unconsciously affect our mood and arousal. (Shutterstock File)

Researchers found colours can unconsciously affect our mood and arousal. (Shutterstock File)

Colours have a profound impact on our moods and emotions. The shades you surround yourself with in your bedroom can directly influence your libido and passion

Lets Talk Sex

Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends. To address the widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. We hope to initiate conversations about sex through this column and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance.

In this article, we will explain the science behind colours and attraction and share tips to infuse more romance into your sex life.

You’ve probably never thought about how the colours around you affect your sex life. But believe it or not, there’s a hidden psychological link between colours and your intimate relationships. The shades you surround yourself with can spark passion, increase intimacy, and make your love life way more satisfying. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind colour and attraction. We’ll look at specific colours that stoke the flames of passion, as well as hues that lead to disharmony between partners. You’ll learn simple tips to infuse more romance into your life through the thoughtful use of colour. Get ready to see your love life in a whole new light!

The Science Behind Colour and Sexuality

Researchers found colours can unconsciously affect our mood and arousal. Red, in particular, is associated with passion and lust. Seeing the colour red can elevate your heart rate and make you feel more attracted to potential partners. Warm colours like red, orange, and yellow are energising and linked to increased libido and sexual attraction. Cool colours such as blue and green have the opposite effect. Surrounding yourself with warm colours, especially red, creates an environment primed for passion and intimacy. Use accent lighting, candles, flowers or paint to add warmth to your space.

By understanding the connection between colours and sexuality, you can create surroundings that naturally spark that loving feeling. Adding red and other warm hues is an easy way to turn up the heat in your relationship or make new intimate connections.

Red – The Colour of Passion and Desire

Red is the colour of passion, arousal and lust. When you see red, your heart starts pumping and your senses become heightened. No wonder it’s linked to stimulating romance! Studies show that staring at the colour red actually increases your heart rate and blood pressure. When you see red, your body has an instinctual response. Your pulse quickens, blood pressure rises, and your senses heighten. This “fight or flight” reaction also makes you feel more passionate and lustful.

Wearing red clothing or using red decor in an intimate space enhances arousal and makes you feel sexier and can ignite the flames of desire. Red bedsheets or lighting a few red candles before a romantic evening really sets the mood. Even a small accent like a red pillow or vase of red flowers helps channel your sensual energy. Red symbolises raw energy, warmth, and excitement.

Embrace the power of this stimulating shade to boost your confidence and make sparks fly in the bedroom. A little red goes a long way, so start small and see just how much heat this colour adds to your sex life.

Pink and Purple – Playful and Flirtatious Hues

These shades can ramp up your sexy side. Pink is a playful colour that signifies romance, tenderness, and youthful joy. Adding touches of pink to your bedroom like pillows, a rug, or lighting can make you feel more light-hearted and playful with your partner. Purple is associated with imagination and creativity. Having purple accents in your space may inspire you to be more adventurous and open in your intimacy. Why not try some playful activities in the bedroom like sensual massages with scented oils, sexy board games or role-playing different fantasies. These activities in a purple-themed room will ignite your passion and deepen your connection.

Blue and Green – Calming Yet Sensual

Blue and green are cool colours that evoke feelings of calmness and tranquillity. Having a blue or green-themed bedroom can help you relax and unwind, perfect for restful sleep or an intimate evening with your partner. At the same time, shades of teal or turquoise add an element of sensuality with their resemblance to tropical ocean waters. Painting one wall in your bedroom a seafoam green or navy blue creates a dramatic focal point that stirs the senses. Accent the space with decorative pillows, art, or linens featuring mermaids, shells, or rippling water patterns.

The soothing qualities of blue and green make them ideal for any room where you want to evoke peace and connection. Use these colours in your most personal spaces to create a harmonious flow between stimulation and relaxation.

Using Colour Therapy to Improve Sex Life and Relationship

Colours have a profound impact on our moods and emotions. The shades you surround yourself with in your bedroom can directly influence your libido and passion.

  • Try adding touches of red, the colour of love and desire. Replace your neutral-toned sheets and blankets with crimson ones. Add red accent pillows or a lush red area rug. Red stimulates our senses and increases heart rate, perfect for a romantic evening.
  • Blue is a calming colour that reduces tension. Swap out those red sheets for navy or cobalt ones. Add pale blue lighting with a table lamp or string lights. The soothing quality of blue will help you relax and be fully present with your partner.Using colour therapy is an easy way to enhance your intimate experiences. Make your bedroom a multi-sensory haven filled with the shades of passion.Surround yourself with vibrant colours. Studies show that bright colours stimulate the mind and boost mood, which translates to excitement in the bedroom. This Holi season, drape your bed in rich red sheets, bright orange blankets and yellow pillows. Dim the lights, light some scented candles and let the rainbow of colours ignite your passion. Have some fun with body paints or colourful lingerie and really make a night of it.When it comes to colours and sex, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Push yourself outside your comfort zone by trying new colours and new positions. And if you’re still not convinced, do your own experiment to test it out. You’ve got nothing to lose by surrounding yourself with colours that increase sexual energy, and a whole new experience to gain. Give it a shot and your sex life will thank you!


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