Lakhs without tax: You might well belong to a 2.2% minority, without even knowing it



No matter what creed, caste, or gender you are, you might belong to a minority comprising just 2.2% of the country’s adult population, which comes to under 21 million people. That’s the number of citizens who pay income tax in India.
In US a comparable figure is over 50%. In Germany it is 61.3%. In UK it’s 59.7%. In France it’s a humongous 78.3%. Mon Dieu! How is it that so few Indians pay income tax? India is widely billed as being the fastest-growing major economy in the world, and ranks as the fifth-largest on the global scale with a GDP of $3.7 trillion, which is projected to hit the 5 trillion mark before the finance ministry can say, ‘Open Sesame’.

So, with all this money growing on trees, how come so few Indians have taxable incomes?

And if very few of us have incomes that are taxable, how is it that in towns and cities across the country more and more glitzy shopping malls are sprouting like proverbial mushrooms, and are jam-packed with people eating and drinking in upmarket restaurants, wearing designer clothes that cost an Armani and a leg? How is it that the sales of high-end cars like Mercs and Audis that cost more than a 2BHK apartment are soaring skywards like Diwali rockets?

A lot of money is obviously – ostentatiously – being spent. But very little of it is trickling its way into government’s coffers by way of income tax.

Agricultural income continues to be non-taxable. So are all these mall-hoppers and Merc-owners non-tax paying agriculturists as distinct from farmers whose suicides because of debt default are reported on Page 7 of newspapers?

This would have intrigued John Morton, the 15th century Chancellor of England. Morton argued that anyone living frugally must be saving money, and could afford to pay tax. Likewise, anyone living extravagantly was wealthy and should pay tax.

This double jeopardy of taxation is called Morton’s Fork. Would it work in India’s case? Or would the Indian non-taxpayer effectively tell Morton to Fork off?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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