
With the war in Gaza showing little signs of abating – the latest outrage is the killing of seven aid workers with World Central Kitchen in an Israeli airstrike despite their coordinating their movement with the Israeli armed forces – one country has been quietly focussing on a pertinent issue. The country is Morocco and the issue is sanctity of Jerusalem.

There’s no denying that the conflict in Gaza has created polarising discourse. But in the binary between Hamas and Israel, something important is being overlooked – the criticality of the syncretic character of Jerusalem. Right-wing hardline Israelis have been trying to change this character and Judaise Jerusalem. In fact, Jerusalem today is being increasingly cut off from Palestinian populations through Jewish settlement colonies and Israel’s separation barrier.

This is one of the major drivers of the conflict between Israel and Palestine today. Israel has been progressively creating barriers around the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound or Haram al-Sharif. In 2017 it put up metal detectors and cameras at Islam’s third holiest shrine after gunmen shot dead two Israeli guards. The Israeli encroachment led to massive classes. The Israeli government has also held Cabinet meetings in the tunnel it has constructed under Al-Aqsa.

Meanwhile, Hamas, over the last few years, has used the iconography of Jerusalem to further its own political agenda vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority. It has projected itself as the only protector of Jerusalem for the Palestinians, thereby discrediting the PA. Therefore, Hamas has intentionally added to the polarising narrative so that the discourse is framed as Israel vs Hamas, pushing other moderate Palestinian groups to the background.

It is in this context that Morocco’s role to preserve Jerusalem’s character needs to be seen. Morocco’s monarch, King Mohammed VI, is the chairman of the Al Quds Committee of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. In this role, the monarch has undertaken several initiatives to preserve the unique character of Al Quds or Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa mosque. It is in this vein that King Mohammed VI during this ongoing month of Ramadan authorised the shipment of substantial food aid – comprising tonnes of essential food items – to both Jerusalem and, via the land route, to Gaza.

Apart from highlighting the Moroccan monarch’s commitment to the Palestinian cause, the effort is also aimed at standing up for Jerusalem. For, Hamas cannot be allowed to hijack the Jerusalem cause for its own political agenda. Similarly, nor can the Israeli right-wing be allowed to change the syncretic character of Jerusalem. But the reality is one is feeding off the other. The Israeli right-wing sees Hamas’s actions as justification for pushing its Judaisation agenda, while Hamas cites the Israeli right-wing’s actions to bolster its own standing among the Palestinian population. Thus, an endless cycle of violence is created where the only victims are the Palestinian people who get increasingly dispossessed and Israeli civilians.

Unless this cycle of violence is broken, rounds of suffering will continue into the future. Of course, there are no easy solutions here. But protecting the status of Jerusalem and stopping Jewish settlers’ encroachment could create an opening for dialogue. This is what Morocco’s King Mohammed has been advocating for years. The current situation is only helping certain politicians and right-wing extremists on the Israeli side, and Hamas on the Palestinian side – the latter’s popularity among Palestinians has risen during the course of the Gaza war. Therefore, the status of Jerusalem needs to be brought back into the conversation if any serious attempts at peace are to be endeavoured.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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