
It could have been a modern West Asian power. But foreign interference & ayatollahs ruined it

Iran’s barrage of drones and missiles aimed at Israel again cast Tehran as a major security problem in West Asia. As a disruptor, it has cultivated a host of regional militias – from Hezbollah to Houthis – to carry out its strategic goals. Internally, ayatollahs rule with an iron grip, impose an ultra-conservative form of Islam, and deny Iranian women freedoms. But it wasn’t always like this. Iran could have been a great modern power.


Inflection point | A major turning point for Iran came in 1953 with the coup against then democratically-elected Iranian PM Mohammad Mosaddegh. The coup, backed by CIA, was a huge blow to Iran’s democratic aspirations – Mosaddegh had undertaken a slew of reforms with the aim of turning Iran into a genuine rights-based democracy. It also concentrated power in Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, creating a brutal regime and paving the way for the ayatollahs’ 1979 Islamic revolution.

Surviving sanctions | Iran has been under Western sanctions for 40 years. While this seriously curtailed Iran’s economic development, it did not lead to collapse. Iran’s military prowess – domestic production of drones and missiles, a covert nuclear programme – and continued export of oil, highlight the country’s inherent resilience.

Human resource | With a population of close to 90 million, and with some of the highest levels of education in West Asia, Iran has no dearth of human resource. In fact, 70% of its STEM graduates are women. Imagine the impact of this resource, properly deployed, in an Iran that’s free.

Nuclear deal | The deal created much hope of giving Iran a chance at becoming a normal country. Trump torpedoed it and Biden didn’t pick up the ball. Anti-US ayatollahs were happy. Israelis and Saudis rejoiced. But for ordinary Iranians, who feel trapped in the Islamic Republic, the door slammed shut again on a better life – continuing Iran’s disruptor/pariah status.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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