Investing in Mutual Funds? Make it Large



After sitting in the side lines and watching small cap mutual funds enjoy their moment of glory, large cap funds are back with a bang. Over the last year or so, large cap funds have been beating the benchmark and are giving impressive double digit returns to investors.

Large cap mutual funds invest predominantly in blue chip companies and their performance had been muted over the last few years. But in the last one year, more than a third of large cap funds have beaten their respective benchmarks.

Take a look at these numbers. One year returns in the Nippon Large Cap fund was a whopping 20.07%. While Nippon leads the race in returns, the performance of HDFC Top 100 with 16.60% and Edelweiss Large Cap with 14.90% in the last one year are clear signals that large cap mutual funds have bounced back.

Market analysts recommend investment in large cap funds since these funds invest in large companies with a proven track record, strong business models and well-defined growth plan. Besides, large cap companies are market leaders in their area of operations.

There are three fundamental reasons why large cap mutual funds have shown a strong performance. Fund managers attribute the recovery in the large cap space to a strong focus on high growth pharma stocks and being underweight on the technology sector. The recovery in the global economy post the pandemic and the sharp uptake in consumption post the pandemic has also fuelled large cap stocks.

The third factor is the investment in mid and small cap companies which have performed exceedingly well. By definition, large cap mutual funds have to invest 80% of their corpus in the top 100 companies by market capitalization. However, the remaining 20% is at the discretion of the fund manager and can be invested across small and mid-cap companies.

Fund managers advise that this is the time to invest in large cap mutual funds since the category is bouncing back and investors can ride on the expected strong performance in the medium to long term.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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