INSAT-3DS: ISRO Launches Third-Gen Meteorological Satellite As Part Of GSLV-F14 Mission. WATCH



The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved another milestone as it successfully launched the INSAT-3DS meteorological satellite aboard the Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle F14 (GSLV-F14). The launch took place from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. INSAT-3DS was placed in a geostationary orbit, a circular orbit 35,785 kilometers above the Earth, allowing it to match the planet’s rotational period. This positioning enables continuous monitoring of a fixed area on Earth’s surface.

The geostationary orbit’s plane lies exactly above the Earth’s equatorial plane.

According to news agency PTI, expressing his delight at the achievement, ISRO Chief S Somnath remarked, “I would like to congratulate everybody for this accomplishment. INSAT 3DS is the next generation weather satellite with improved capability over the existing INSAT series which is there in orbit. This will augment the capability of various atmospheric parameters that leads to information related to weather and climate.”

Union Minister of State, Dr Jitendra Singh, also commended the launch, stating, “ISRO UNSTOPPABLE! Celebrating the launch of INSAT 3DS …the latest generation Climate/Weather satellite. Proud to be associated with Department of Space at a time when Team ISRO continues to accomplish one success after the other, with personal patronage from PM Sh @NarendraModi.”

 GSLV-F14 Successful Liftoff, INSAT-3DS Satellite Details

The GSLV-F14, carrying the INSAT-3DS satellite, lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, leaving behind thick fumes on its tail as it soared towards the sky. The satellite, weighing 2,274 kg, aims to augment the study of the Earth’s surface and oceanic observations.

This is the second mission for ISRO in 2024 after the successful launch of PSLV-C58/EXPOSAT mission on January 1.

INSAT-3DS, the latest addition to the Indian National Satellite (INSAT) series, is designed to enhance the capabilities of its predecessors, INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR. It has a lift-off mass of 2,275 kilograms, with significant contributions from Indian industries in its realization.

The INSAT-3DS satellite is equipped with state-of-the-art payloads to perform enhanced meteorological observations and monitor land and ocean surfaces for weather forecast and disaster warning. These payloads include a six-channel imager and a 19-channel sounder, among others.

The mission objectives include augmenting the study of atmospheric parameters, enhancing weather and climate-related information, and bolstering disaster management capabilities. More On It: GSLV-F14: ISRO To Launch INSAT-3DS On February 17. All About The Meteorological Satellite


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