India’s quest for UN security council permanent membership: A holy grail of its foreign policy



India’s pursuit of a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) stands as a defining ambition in its foreign policy agenda. This ambition, reiterated at international forums and supported by leading nations, recently took centre stage at the Ninth edition of the Raisina Dialogue in February 2024. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, in a candid session, highlighted the stagnation in the UNSC reforms, attributing it to the “short-sighted” approach of the five permanent members, with a veiled reference to China as the primary obstacle. The attention accorded to India’s quest for  a permanent seat in the UNSC underscores its rising global prominence and acknowledges its role in shaping international affairs.

India’s quest  for a permanent seat at  the UNSC traces its origins to the early 1990s, coinciding with the nation’s rise in economic and political prominence on the global stage. This aspiration has been a long-standing diplomatic priority across successive Indian governments. It reflects India’s growing stature and its desire to play a more prominent role in shaping the global affairs. The momentum behind this campaign gained significant traction following India’s atomic explosion in 1998 during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government. The nuclear tests demonstrated India’s capabilities and signalled its emergence as a major rising player on the international stage.  India sought to highlight its credentials as a responsible nuclear power and a vibrant democracy with a growing economy. The Vajpayee Government  engaged in diplomatic initiatives to highlight India’s role in maintaining regional and global stability and advocated for reforms within the UNSC to better reflect contemporary international order and geopolitical realities. Although significant strides were made during this period, India’s bid for permanent membership faced challenges and remained a work in progress. The Manmohan Singh government continued India’s pursuit of a permanent UNSC seat, building upon the groundwork laid by its predecessors. During this period, India focused on strengthening bilateral and multilateral ties with key nations and regional groupings to garner support for its bid.  The government reiterated India’s commitment to global peace and security while underscoring the need for a more inclusive and representative UNSC. 

 Under the Modi government, the discourse has intensified significantly. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has revitalized India’s pursuit of a permanent UNSC seat, aligning diplomatic efforts with India’s expanding geopolitical ambitions. Modi has vigorously advocated India’s candidacy, portraying it as emblematic of India’s rightful status as a global powerhouse. The government has intensified engagement with key stakeholders, including major powers and influential regional blocs, to garner support for UNSC reforms. The government has emphasized India’s role as a responsible actor in international affairs and its commitment to addressing global challenges. 

India has been advocating for UNSC reforms, articulating several key arguments. India contends that as the world’s largest democracy and a significant global player, its inclusion would better represent the interests of developing nations and align with the contemporary geopolitical landscape. Furthermore, India emphasizes its substantial contributions to UN peacekeeping missions as a justification for permanent membership, underlining its role in upholding international peace and security. Additionally, India asserts that its expanding economy and political influence merit a permanent seat, enabling effective decision-making on global security matters and for fostering regional stability by addressing conflicts and promoting dialogue among neighbouring countries. Moreover, India advocates for a more inclusive UNSC to fortify multilateralism and ensure diverse representation in decision-making processes, underscoring its historical commitment to the UN Charter’s principles.

 However, India encounters formidable hurdles in its pursuit of permanent UNSC membership. Out of five permanent UNSC, the US, Russia, France and the UK have supported India’s inclusion in the permanent five club. But China  has not been supportive and opposed India’s inclusion in not only at the UNSC but has used its power to block India’s inclusion in the other important international body such as Nuclear Suppliers Group.  Despite robust support from numerous countries, progress has been stymied by opposition from China. Furthermore, reservations among member states regarding India’s veto power and its impact on global security, alongside competition from other aspirants like Brazil, Germany, and Japan, present additional challenges. The intricate decision-making process for UNSC reform, entrenched historical legacies, and the impasse in reform efforts further impede India’s UNSC permanent seat bid.

To surmount these obstacles, India must adopt a strategic approach. It should intensify diplomatic efforts by engaging with existing permanent members and influential nations to garner support for its candidacy. Emphasizing its significant contributions to international security and active participation in UNSC reform discussions will bolster its credentials. Collaboration with other aspirants and like-minded nations is imperative to push for reforms that rectify the existing power imbalance in the UNSC structure. Leveraging its economic and geopolitical influence to rally support from non-aligned and developing countries is equally critical. By amalgamating diplomatic engagement, showcasing global security contributions, active participation in reform initiatives, and coalition-building, India can amplify its prospects of securing a permanent seat on the UNSC.

Despite persistent obstacles and opposition, India remains steadfast in its quest for the UNSC permanent seat , symbolizing its determination to influence global governance and security in accordance with its democratic principles and principled international engagement. The pursuit of UNSC permanent membership will remain the Holy Grail of India’s foreign policy in the years to come.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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