India’s public libraries, clawing for relevance



Amidst a rich literary heritage and a nation aspiring for progress, why are we living in a ragtag and bobtail era when it comes to public libraries in India? With India becoming the world’s most populous nation, the anticipated demographic advantage will yield results only when the dysfunctional education system is reconstrued in the country and a complete overhaul of the pathetic state of public libraries is done to meet the needs of its citizens across varying age groups and cultural differences.

As per the Ministry of Culture, Government of India; there are 54,856 public libraries in India, but only a small fraction meet international standards. As per the 2017 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) report “The World’s Public Libraries: Key Trends and Statistics” an average Indian public library had just 5,700 books compared to a collection of 108,000 books in the developed world.  Acc. to the 2018 UnescoInstitute of Statistics report “Measuring Information and Communication Technologies for Development” only 12% of Indian public libraries have computers and just 8% have internet access. Moreover, according to the 2016 Press Trust of India (PTI) news article “Only 10% of the 1.2 million librarians in India are professionally qualified.”

The recent initiative by our Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, to establish a national digital library for children and adolescents, coupled with efforts to fortify the National Book Trust to cultivate a culture of reading, is certainly commendable. However, these measures fall short in several respects. In a nation that is traditionally conservative, with numerous languages, and is yet to achieve full digital penetration in the education sector; substantial funding becomes an imperative need for the transformation of this lamentable state.

Equipping India’s youth to extract their demographic potential demands more than just awareness; it necessitates the provision of ample resources. Both the younger generation and the elderly, each with their unique requirements, require unfettered access to knowledge, cutting-edge technology, and the financial support necessary to bring their visions to fruition in the fiercely competitive global landscape. Public libraries therefore should not merely serve as a solution to the pandemic-induced learning loss in foundational education and numeracy. 

A socially inclusive culture of reading and writing is essential to elevate the quality of discourse and perspectives within society. This culture should be grounded in knowledge, information, and imagination which a properly equipped public library can provide, rather than the superficial allure of social media and celebrity culture. India possesses an unparalleled wealth of manuscripts, with an estimated 10 million documents spanning diverse subjects, languages, and scripts. These precious knowledge repositories offer unique insights into India’s rich cultural heritage and provide invaluable resources for research and education. It is commendable that National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM) teams have surveyed and documented over 7.5 million manuscripts from various locations across India. The NMM has digitized over 3 million manuscripts, creating a vast digital repository accessible through the National Manuscript Portal of India (NMPGI). However, these need to be made available to students and scholars through digitalization and easy accessibility.

To cultivate responsible, enlightened, and productive global citizens, we must ensure that public libraries are not merely repositories of outdated books and technology. Instead, they should house a comprehensive collection encompassing India’s cultural and literary heritage while offering works by renowned global authors, all supplemented by the latest technological advancements.

To rekindle the magic of these forgotten treasure troves, a comprehensive roadmap is needed, one that breathes new life into these silent custodians of wisdom. 

Ditching the dingy corridors and dusty shelves is needed to transform libraries into vibrant community hubs with comfortable reading nooks, tech-enabled learning spaces, and dedicated areas for children and adults alike.

Content is King (and Queen): Curate diverse collections that cater to all ages and interests. Go beyond dusty tomes and embrace audiobooks, e-books, graphic novels, and multimedia resources. Partner with local authors and communities to showcase regional languages and stories.

Technology should act as a bridge and not as a barrier. Bridge the digital divide with free Wi-Fi, computer labs, and training programs on digital literacy. Make technology accessible, not intimidating, and empower communities to navigate the information age. Hosting author talks, book clubs, and poetry sessions will help. Let communities connect over the magic of words and rediscover the joy of reading aloud.

From coding bootcamps to creative writing workshops, offering skill-building programs that cater to diverse needs and aspirations will help. Libraries can become incubators for talent and empower individuals to thrive.

Partnering with schools, colleges, NGOs, and local businesses to organize educational events, film screenings, and cultural performances. Make the library the pulse of the community, a space where learning and leisure intertwine. Forging strategic partnerships with local private companies and philanthropists to fund infrastructure upgrades, resource acquisition, and innovative programs that will ease the pressure on government funding and support.

India’s public libraries deserve a chance to reclaim their rightful place as cornerstones of knowledge and community. By reimagining the space, engaging the minds, and securing a sustainable future, we can transform these silent libraries into bustling hubs of learning, creativity, and connection. Let us ensure that every bookshelf whispers a story, every computer screen ignites a passion, and every corner pulsates with the vibrant hum of a community discovering the endless possibilities within these walls.

Remember, this roadmap is just a starting point. The true magic lies in the hands of the communities, the librarians, and the visionaries who believe in the power of stories, knowledge, and shared experiences. Let’s embark on this journey together and bring the forgotten libraries of India back to life, one book, one workshop, one conversation at a time.

It is interesting to know that BJP has an e-library where its members can read and download more than 2700 books on India’s history and society. While there’s no central data repository on women-centric libraries in India, a 2019 study by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) revealed a mere 35.6% female literacy rate in rural India. This highlights the importance of initiatives that bridge the information gap and equip women with the tools for self-improvement.

One prominent example is the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS) Library in Delhi. Established in 1981, the CWDS boasts a treasure trove of published and unpublished material on Indian women’s issues – from social welfare programs to health and legal rights. Their “Mahila Database” offers a digital archive of scholarly articles and reports, making knowledge accessible beyond physical boundaries.

The Margaret Cousins Memorial Library (MCM Library) at the All-India Women’s Conference (AIWC) in Delhi is another noteworthy example. Founded in 1956, the MCM Library evolved into a specialized Women’s Studies library in 1981.  Beyond its collection of books and periodicals, the library hosts discussions and workshops, fostering a space for women to connect and learn from each other.

Recognizing the limitations of physical spaces, innovative libraries are taking root. The Sister Library, a mobile library project in Mumbai, brings its collection of feminist literature and zines directly to communities. This not only increases accessibility but also creates a vibrant space for dialogue, particularly for women in rural areas.

Technology is another game-changer. Initiatives like the e-library at the CWDS provide remote access to a vast knowledge base. Additionally, libraries like the MCM Library are increasingly leveraging social media to raise awareness about their resources and women’s rights issues.

Despite these efforts, challenges remain. Funding constraints often limit the scope and outreach of these libraries. Additionally, societal norms that restrict women’s mobility can hinder their access to physical libraries.

Moving forward, a multi-pronged approach is needed. Increased government support and public-private partnerships are crucial for expanding the reach of these libraries.  Furthermore, creating a network of women-centric libraries across India, both physical and virtual, will ensure inclusivity and cater to diverse needs.

Libraries for women in India are more than just repositories of books. They are catalysts for social change, empowering women with knowledge and fostering a sense of community. As India strives for gender equality, these libraries play a vital role in shaping a brighter future for women.

India’s potential rests on minds lit, not left in the dark. Crumbling libraries whisper of a future dimmed, where knowledge remains a privilege, not a birthright. We need libraries to spark, not snuff out, the brilliance of every generation.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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