Indian economy on robust track



With Q3 GDP posting a robust six-quarter high growth of 8.4 percent beyond the street expectations, the outlook for FY24 stands revised by the National Statistical Office (NSO) to 7.6 percent, up from 7.3 percent and the Q4 growth is expected to be 5.9 percent which further affirms the growing resilience of the economy. Thus, the average GDP of the first 3 quarters of FY24 is at 8.2 percent. Hence, GDP data holds significance in creating an environment of economic buoyancy. Based on the higher revenue flows, the fiscal deficit for FY24 is revised down to 5.8 percent.

As against the GDP, its gross value added (GVA) during Q3 works out to 6.5 percent in line with the poll outcome. Agriculture and Allied activities emerged as a notable exception to the ongoing economic recovery as kharif production succumbed to uncertainties in the monsoon. In terms of sectoral GVA of the farm sector, it recorded down to 0.8 percent in Q3 down from 1.6 percent in Q2 causing concern. The robust expansion of GDP during the October – December period, showcased sustained momentum after achieving growth rates exceeding 8 percent in the two preceding quarters.
Among many reasons for the steady growth of the domestic economy despite upside external sector risks, corporate earnings are on the rise. Capex push of the government continues. The infrastructure focus begets employment opportunities that can potentially create demand for consumption. The growth of private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) of the government is at 3.5 percent in Q3 compared to 2.4 percent in the previous quarter. Government final consumption Expenditure (GFCE) recorded a growth of 10.6 percent. However, the gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) recorded a negative growth of -3.2 percent.

Consumption demand is more pronounced in urban areas while the rural sector is sluggish due to a slowdown in the farm sector on account of the impact of EL Nino. However, the poor are shielded from food price hikes through the provision of free food grains under PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yozana. In February, manufacturing activity in India reached a five-month high due to increased new export orders and sustained domestic demand. The HSBC India Manufacturing PMI increased to 56.9, with new export orders hitting a 21-month high. The seasonally adjusted HSBC PMI – India Services Business Activity Index registered 60.6 in February, down from 61.8 in January. In the PMI parlance, a print above 50 means expansion, while a score below 50 denotes contraction.

Upside outlook:
According to IMF, the expected growth of India put at 6.5 percent in CY24 and CY25, the global growth is projected at 3.1 percent in 2024 and 3.2 percent in 2025 on account of greater-than-expected resilience in the United States and several large emerging markets and developing economies, as well as fiscal support in China. The forecast for 2024–25 is, however, below its historical (2000–19) average of 3.8 percent, with elevated central bank policy rates to fight inflation, a withdrawal of fiscal support amid high debt weighing on economic activity, and low underlying productivity growth. Inflation is falling faster than expected in most regions, during unwinding supply-side issues and restrictive monetary policy. Global headline inflation is expected to fall to 5.8 percent in 2024 and to 4.4 percent in 2025, with the 2025 forecast revised down.

The World Bank, in its latest ‘Global Economic Prospects Report’, projects India’s GDP to grow by 6.4 percent in the year FY25. In FY26, the growth is expected to accelerate to 6.5%. Robust investment, supported by higher public investment, improved balance sheets of banks and corporates, and strong growth in services is likely to lead to the expansion of the Indian economy. According to India Ratings, the Indian economy is, at present, challenged with lower consumption growth, and, a slowdown in the farm sector is impacting people in the lower income brackets. The projections by Moody’s and CMIE have come days after the NSO, in its second advance estimates data, revised the FY24 growth estimate upward to 7.6 percent, from the 7.3 percent projected in January.

How India Stood Ahead:
According to CEA, a structural transformation of the economy is underway both in terms of physical and digital infrastructure that potentially could defy expectations. It is time that global rating agencies take cognizance of the ongoing resilience of the economy and reassess. The high-frequency indicators continue to point towards good performance in Q4 of FY24. The industrial growth rate is picking up in mining, manufacturing, and construction sectors on a durable basis though gyrating on month on month-on-month basis. Private sector capital formation could pave the way for higher growth going forward. The predictions on the withdrawal of El Nino could lead to normal monsoon in the next year. Good harvest both for Kharif and Rabi crops could correct the slowdown in the agriculture sector. Data on global confidence level in the Indian economy for 2024 is pegged stronger at 85 percent, compared to China – 82 percent, Indonesia – 82 percent, the Philippines – 74 percent, the USA – 45 percent, and the UK – 42 percent.

Forward view:
CPI inflation has eased to 5.1 percent in January, down from 5.69 percent in December, and WPI for January 2024 stood at -0.33 percent as compared to -0.98 percent in December 2023. With the US Federal Reserve, ECB, and Bank of England well poised to bring down the interest rates in the next few months with their inflation going down close to their target, RBI is targeting CPI inflation to move down to 4 percent to start bringing down the interest rates. When the interest rate goes down, private investments may resume and FPI inflows in 2024 are set to go up with foreign investors reposing greater confidence, the buoyancy in the economy will increase. Many strategies, developmental plans, and programs working their way towards Viksit Bharat 2047, and the economy can see a higher growth trajectory.

It is expected that soon Indian economy will become the 4th largest economy overtaking Germany. Crisil Ratings projected India’s GDP growth at 6.8 percent in the next fiscal and expects the country to become an upper middle-income nation by 2031 with the economy doubling to USD 7 trillion. As per the World Bank definition, lower-middle income countries are those with per-capita income of USD 1,000-4,000, and upper-middle income countries are those with per capita income between USD 4,000-12,000. In its India Outlook report, Crisil said the Indian economy will take support from domestic structural reforms and cyclical levers and can retain — perhaps even improve — its growth prospects to become the third-largest economy by 2031.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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